學測英文科字彙表7000單 LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)+ 例句 (字母M-O)


大考中心字彙表LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)


magnitude [`mæ gnə͵tjud]n.重要;強度;(地震)震級

Magnitude: The magnitude of the earthquake was measured at 6.5 on the Richter scale. (震級)

malaria [mə`lɛrɪə] n.瘧疾

Malaria: Malaria is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease transmitted by mosquitoes. (瘧疾)

manipulate [mə`nɪpjə͵let] vt.操作;操弄

Manipulate: The skilled magician can manipulate cards to perform amazing tricks. (操作;操弄)

manuscript [`mæ njə͵skrɪpt]n.手稿 adj.手寫的;原稿的
Manuscript: The author submitted the handwritten manuscript to the publisher for review. (手稿)

mar [mɑr] n.污點

Mar: The stain on the shirt left an unsightly mar on its otherwise pristine appearance. (污點)

massacre [`mæ səkɚ] n.大屠殺

Massacre: The massacre of innocent civilians shocked the entire nation. (大屠殺)

mastery [`mæ stərɪ] n.支配;熟練

Mastery: With years of practice, she achieved mastery in playing the violin. (支配;熟練)

materialism [mə`tɪrɪəl͵ɪzəm] n.物質主義

Materialism: His excessive materialism led to a shallow and unfulfilling life. (物質主義)

mattress [`mæ trɪs] n.床墊

Mattress: The new mattress provided excellent support and comfort for a good night's sleep. (床墊)

mechanism [`mɛkə͵nɪzəm] n.機械裝置

Mechanism: The clock's intricate mechanism ensures precise timekeeping. (機械裝置)

medication [͵mɛdɪ`keʃən] n.藥物

Medication: The doctor prescribed a new medication to treat her cold symptoms. (藥物)

medieval [͵mɪdɪ`ivəl] adj.中世紀的;老式的
Medieval: The castle is a well-preserved example of medieval architecture. (中世紀的)

meditate [`mɛdə͵tet] vi.vt.計劃;沈思

Meditate: She enjoys meditating in the peaceful garden to clear her mind and find inner peace. (計劃;沈思)

meditation [͵mɛdə`teʃən] n.沈思;冥想

Meditation: The practice of meditation can help reduce stress and promote mental well-being. (沈思;冥想)

melancholy [`mɛlən͵kɑlɪ] n.adj.憂鬱(的)

Melancholy: The melancholy melody of the piano piece evoked deep emotions within the audience. (憂鬱(的))

mellow [`mɛlo] adj.成熟的;圓潤的

Mellow: As wine ages, it develops a mellow flavor and smooth texture. (成熟的;圓潤的)

mentality [mɛn`tæ lətɪ] n.智力

Mentality: A positive mentality can significantly impact one's ability to overcome challenges. (智力)

merchandise [`mɝtʃən͵daɪz] n.商品

Merchandise: The store offers a wide range of merchandise, from clothing to electronics. (商品)

merge [mɝdʒ] vt.vi.合併

Merge: The two companies decided to merge in order to expand their market share. (合併)

metaphor [`mɛtəfɚ] n.隱喻

Metaphor: "Time is a thief" is a common metaphor to express how quickly time passes by. (隱喻)

metropolitan [͵mɛtrə`pɑlətn] n.大都市的

Metropolitan: New York City is a bustling metropolitan area with a diverse population. (大都市的)

migrate [`maɪ͵gret] vi.遷移

Migrate: Every year, millions of birds migrate to warmer regions during the winter. (遷移)

migration [maɪ`greʃən] n.遷移

Migration: The migration of wildebeests in Africa is a spectacular natural phenomenon. (遷移)

militant [`mɪlətənt] adj.好戰的 n.好戰者

Militant: The militant group threatened further attacks if their demands were not met. (好戰的;好戰者)

miller [`mɪlɚ] n.磨坊主

Miller: The miller grinds grains to produce flour for the bakery. (磨坊主)

mimic [`mɪmɪk] vt.模仿 n.善模仿的人;小丑

Mimic: The comedian has an exceptional ability to mimic famous personalities and entertain the audience. (模仿)

miniature [`mɪnɪətʃɚ] adj.小型的

Miniature: She collected tiny miniature figurines as a hobby. (小型的)

minimize [`mɪnə͵maɪz] vt.使縮到最小

Minimize: To avoid accidents, it is essential to minimize distractions while driving. (使縮到最小)

miraculous [mɪ`ræ kjələs] adj.奇蹟般的

Miraculous: The doctor's skillful surgery led to a miraculous recovery for the patient. (奇蹟般的)

mischievous [`mɪstʃɪvəs] adj.惡作劇的

Mischievous: The mischievous children played pranks on their teacher during recess. (惡作劇的)

missionary [`mɪʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj.傳教的 n.傳教士

Missionary: The missionary traveled to remote villages to spread knowledge and help the needy. (傳教的;傳教士)

mobilize [`mob!͵aɪz] vt.vi.動員

Mobilize: The government decided to mobilize troops to respond to the emergency. (動員)

modernization [͵mɑdɚnə`zeʃən] n.現代化

Modernization: The country underwent significant modernization, transforming from an agricultural society to an industrialized nation. (現代化)

mold [mold] n.模型

Mold: The sculptor used a mold to create multiple copies of the statue. (模型)

momentum [mo`mɛntəm] n.動力

Momentum: The team's consecutive victories built up momentum for their championship game. (動力)

monopoly [mə`nɑp!ɪ] n.獨佔;壟斷

Monopoly: The company held a monopoly in the market, controlling the entire industry. (獨佔;壟斷)

monotonous [mə`nɑtənəs] adj.單調的

Monotonous: The monotonous hum of the machinery made the factory workers feel drowsy. (單調的)

monotony [mə`nɑtənɪ] n.單調

Monotony: The daily routine became monotonous, leading to a sense of boredom and routine. (單調)

morale [mə`ræ l] n.道德;士氣

Morale: The team's victory significantly boosted the morale of its members. (道德;士氣)

morality [mə`ræ lətɪ] n.道德

Morality: Teaching children about honesty and compassion helps shape their sense of morality. (道德)

motto [`mɑto] n.座右銘

Motto: "Never give up" is his motto, which keeps him persevering through challenges. (座右銘)

mournful [`mornfəl] adj.憂傷的

Mournful: The mournful song at the funeral brought tears to everyone's eyes. (憂傷的)

mouthpiece [`maʊθ͵pis] n.(樂器的)吹口

Mouthpiece: The lawyer acted as a mouthpiece for his client, presenting the case in court. (代言人)

Spokesperson: The company's spokesperson addressed the media regarding the recent product recall. (代言人)

municipal [mju`nɪsəp!]adj.市政的;地方自治的

Municipal: The municipal government is responsible for local services and administration. (市政的;地方自治的)

mute [mjut] adj.沈默的;啞的;無聲的

Mute: The student held up a "Mute" sign to indicate that they wanted silence during the exam. (沈默的;啞的;無聲的)

mythology [mɪ`θɑlədʒɪ] n.神話

Mythology: Greek mythology includes many fascinating stories about gods and heroes. (神話)

narrate [næ `ret] vt.vi.敘述;作旁白

Narrate: The historian will narrate the events leading up to the revolution in his book. (敘述;作旁白)

narrative [`næ rətɪv] n.記敘文 adj.敘述的

Narrative: The novel's narrative is filled with suspense and twists. (記敘文;敘述的)

narrator [næ `retɚ] n.敘述者;旁白

Narrator: The storyteller served as the narrator, captivating the audience with his engaging voice. (敘述者;旁白)

nationalism [`næ ʃən!ɪzəm] n.民族主義

Nationalism: The country's sense of nationalism strengthened during times of crisis. (民族主義)

naturalist [`næ tʃərəlɪst] n.博物學家;自然主義者

Naturalist: The renowned naturalist dedicated his life to studying and preserving wildlife. (博物學家;自然主義者)

naval [`nev!] adj.海軍的

Naval: The country's naval forces were on high alert due to potential security threats. (海軍的)

navel [`nev!] n.肚臍

Navel: The baby's navel had healed completely after the umbilical cord fell off. (肚臍)

navigation [͵nævə`geʃən] n.航海;導航

Navigation: Skilled sailors use stars for navigation during their sea voyages. (航海;導航)

negotiation [nɪ͵goʃɪ`eʃən] n.談判

Negotiation: The labor union entered into negotiations with the company over better working conditions. (談判)

neon [`ni͵ɑn] n.霓虹燈

Neon: The city's vibrant nightlife was highlighted by the colorful glow of neon lights. (霓虹燈)

neutral [`njutrəl] adj.中立的;不確定的

Neutral: The mediator remained neutral during the dispute, facilitating a fair resolution. (中立的;不確定的)

newlywed [`njulɪ͵wɛd] n.新婚夫婦

Newlywed: The newlywed couple celebrated their honeymoon at a beautiful beach resort. (新婚夫婦)

newscaster [`njuz͵kæstɚ] n.新聞廣播員(anchorman/anchorwoman)

Newscaster: The experienced newscaster provided updates on the breaking news. (新聞廣播員)

nomination [͵nɑmə`neʃən] n.提名;任命

Nomination: Her nomination for the prestigious award was a great honor. (提名;任命)

nominee [͵nɑmə`ni] n.被提名人

Nominee: The nominee graciously accepted the award on behalf of the team. (被提名人)

norm [nɔrm] n.基準;常模

Norm: Following safety regulations is the norm in the construction industry. (基準;常模)

notorious [no`torɪəs] adj.惡名昭彰的

Notorious: The town had a notorious reputation for its high crime rate. (惡名昭彰的)

nourish [`nɝɪʃ] vt.養育;滋養

Nourish: A balanced diet is essential to nourish the body with essential nutrients. (養育;滋養)

nourishment [`nɝɪʃmənt] n.養育;滋養

Nourishment: The mother provided love and nourishment to her newborn baby. (養育;滋養)

nuisance [`njusns] n.討厭的人(或事物)

Nuisance: The loud construction work was a nuisance to the residents in the neighborhood. (討厭的人(或事物))

nurture [`nɝtʃɚ] n.vt.教養;培育

Nurture: Parents play a crucial role in the nurture and development of their children. (教養;培育)

nutrient [`njutrɪənt] adj.營養的 n.營養物

Nutrient: Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of essential nutrients for the body. (營養物)

nutrition [nju`trɪʃən] n.營養(學)

Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. (營養(學))

nutritious [nju`trɪʃəs] adj.有營養的

Nutritious: The chef prepared a delicious and nutritious meal using fresh ingredients. (有營養的)


obligation [͵ɑblə`geʃən] n.義務;責任

Obligation: As citizens, we have an obligation to contribute to the betterment of society. (義務;責任)

oblige [ə`blaɪdʒ] vt.迫使;使…感激

Oblige: The kind stranger helped me carry my heavy bags, and I felt obliged to thank them. (迫使;使…感激)

obscure [əb`skjʊr] adj.暗的;模糊的  vt.遮掩;混淆

Obscure: The dense fog obscured the view, making it difficult to see the road ahead. (暗的;模糊的;遮掩;混淆)

offering [`ɔfərɪŋ] n.供奉;祭品

Offering: People gathered at the temple to make offerings and pray for a prosperous year ahead. (供奉;祭品)

offspring [`ɔf͵sprɪŋ] n.子女;後代

Offspring: The proud parents watched their offspring perform in the school play. (子女;後代)

operational [͵ɑpə`reʃən!] adj.操作上的

Operational: The new software is now fully operational and ready for use. (操作上的)

opposition [͵ɑpə`zɪʃən] n.反對;對抗

Opposition: The political party faced strong opposition from rival parties during the election. (反對;對抗)

oppress [ə`prɛs] vt.壓迫

Oppress: The authoritarian regime sought to oppress any form of dissent. (壓迫)

oppression [ə`prɛʃən] n.壓迫

Oppression: The protestors demanded an end to the oppression of minority groups. (壓迫)

option [`ɑpʃən] n.選擇(權)

Option: You have the option to choose between the two available courses. (選擇(權))

optional [`ɑpʃən!] adj.非必要的;可選擇的

Optional: Participation in the extracurricular club is optional for students. (非必要的;可選擇的)

ordeal [ɔr`diəl] n.苦難;嚴峻考驗

Ordeal: Surviving the natural disaster was an ordeal that tested their strength and resilience. (苦難;嚴峻考驗)

orderly [`ɔrdɚlɪ] adj.整齊的;有秩序的 adv.按順序地

Orderly: The hospital staff maintained an orderly environment to provide efficient care to patients. (整齊的;有秩序的)

organism [`ɔrgən͵ɪzəm] n.生物;有機體

Organism: Biologists study various aspects of living organisms to understand their behavior and characteristics. (生物;有機體)

originality [ə͵rɪdʒə`næ lətɪ] n.創意;新穎

Originality: The artist's painting showcased her creativity and originality. (創意;新穎)

originate [ə`rɪdʒə͵net] vi.發源 vt.引起

Originate: The concept for the new product originated from customer feedback and suggestions. (發源;引起)

outbreak [`aʊt͵brek] n.爆發

Outbreak: Health authorities responded swiftly to contain the outbreak of the contagious disease. (爆發)

outfit [`aʊt͵fɪt] n.全套服裝/裝備

Outfit: The hikers prepared their backpacks with essential camping outfits. (全套服裝/裝備)

outing [`aʊtɪŋ] n.郊遊;遠足

Outing: The school organized an outing to the local zoo for the students. (郊遊;遠足)

outlaw [`aʊt͵lɔ] n.罪犯 vt.宣布…為不合法

Outlaw: The gang leader was outlawed by the authorities for his involvement in criminal activities. (罪犯;宣布…為不合法)

outlet [`aʊt͵lɛt] n 出口;銷路

Outlet: The new shopping mall became a popular outlet for various brands and products. (出口;銷路)

outlook [`aʊt͵lʊk] n.觀點;景色  vt.比…好看 vi.朝外看

Outlook: Her optimistic outlook on life helped her face challenges with a positive attitude. (觀點;景色)

outnumber [aʊt`nʌmbɚ] vt.數量上超過

Outnumber: The opposing team's fans seemed to outnumber the home team's supporters in the stadium. (數量上超過)

outrage [`aʊt͵redʒ] vt.激怒 n.惡行

Outrage: The cruel treatment of animals by the poachers sparked outrage among environmental activists. (激怒;惡行)

outrageous [aʊt`redʒəs] adj.粗暴的,可憎的

Outrageous: The politician's outrageous behavior during the debate shocked the audience. (粗暴的,可憎的)

outright [`aʊt`raɪt] adj.直率的 adv.徹底地

Outright: The teacher was outright in expressing her disapproval of cheating in exams. (直率的)

Outright: They rejected the proposal outright, without any hesitation. (徹底地)

outset [`aʊt͵sɛt] n.最初

Outset: From the outset of the project, they encountered unexpected challenges. (最初)

overhead[`ovɚ`hɛd] adj.在頭頂上的

Overhead: The plane flew overhead, leaving behind a trail of white clouds. (在頭頂上的)

overlap [͵ovɚ`læ p] vt.vi.(與...)部分重疊

Overlap: The two departments have overlapping responsibilities in certain areas. (與...部分重疊)

overturn [͵ovɚ`tɝn] vt.vi.(使)傾覆

Overturn: The strong winds caused the boat to overturn, leading to a rescue operation. (使傾覆)






pact [pæ kt] n.契約
pamphlet [`pæ mflɪt] n.小冊子
paralyze [`pæ rə͵laɪz] vt.使麻痺,使癱瘓
parliament [`pɑrləmənt] n.議會;國會
pathetic [pə`θɛtɪk] adj.可憐的
patriotic [͵petrɪ`ɑtɪk] adj.愛國的
personal digital assistant n.個人數位助理(PDA)
[`pɝsn!] [`dɪdʒɪt!] [ə`sɪstənt]
peddle [`pɛd!] vt.vi.(沿街)叫賣
pedestrian [pə`dɛstrɪən] n.行人 adj.徒步的
peninsula [pə`nɪnsələ] n.半島
pension [`pɛnʃən] n.退休金;養老金
perception [pɚ`sɛpʃən] n.感知;觀念
perseverance [͵pɝsə`vɪrəns] n.堅持不懈;毅力
persevere [͵pɝsə`vɪr] vi.堅持不懈
persistence [pɚ`sɪstəns] n.堅持;固執
persistent [pɚ`sɪstənt] adj.堅持不懈的;固執的
perspective [pɚ`spɛktɪv] adj.透視的
pesticide [`pɛstɪ͵saɪd] n.殺蟲劑
petroleum [pə`trolɪəm] n.石油
petty [`pɛtɪ] adj.小的;瑣碎的
pharmacist [`fɑrməsɪst] n.藥劑師
pharmacy [`fɑrməsɪ] n.藥房
phase [fez] n.階段 vt.vi.分階段進行
photographic [͵fotə`græ fɪk] adj.攝影的;逼真的
picturesque [͵pɪktʃə`rɛsk] adj.圖畫般的
pierce [pɪrs] vt.vi.刺穿
piety [`paɪətɪ] n.虔誠;孝順
pious [`paɪəs] adj.虔誠的
pipeline [`paɪp͵laɪn] n.導管;輸油管
pitcher [`pɪtʃɚ] n.投手;水壺
plight [plaɪt] n.誓約;困境
pneumonia [nju`monjə] n.肺炎
poach [potʃ] vt.盜獵;水煮
poacher [`potʃɚ] n.盜獵者;蒸鍋
pollutant [pə`lutənt] n.污染物 adj.受汙染的
ponder [`pɑndɚ] vt.vi.沈思;仔細考慮
populate [`pɑpjə͵let] vt.居住於…
posture [`pɑstʃɚ] n.姿勢
precede [pri`sid] vt.vi.處在(...)之前;優於
precedent [`prɛsədənt] n.先例 adj.在前的
precision [prɪ`sɪʒən] n.精確
predecessor [`prɛdɪ͵sɛsɚ] n.前任
prediction [prɪ`dɪkʃən] n.預言
preface [`prɛfɪs] n.序言
prejudice [`prɛdʒədɪs] n.偏見
preliminary[prɪ`lɪmə͵nɛrɪ] adj.預備的 n.初步
premature[͵primə`tjʊr] adj.過早的;不成熟的
premier [`primɪɚ]n.首相 adj.最早的;首要的
prescribe [prɪ`skraɪb] vt.規定;開處方
prescription [prɪ`skrɪpʃən] n.規定;處方
preside [prɪ`zaɪd] vi.主持;管轄
presidency [`prɛzədənsɪ] n.總裁/總統職位
presidential [prɛzə`dɛnʃəl] adj.總裁/總統的
prestige [prɛs`tiʒ] n.名望
presume [prɪ`zum] vt.vi.擅自(做);假定
preventive [prɪ`vɛntɪv] adj.預防的
productivity [͵prodʌk`tɪvətɪ] n.生產力
proficiency [prə`fɪʃənsɪ] n.精通
profound [prə`faʊnd] adj.深刻的;完全的
progressive [prə`grɛsɪv] adj.進步的;革新的
prohibit [prə`hɪbɪt] vt.禁止
prohibition [͵proə`bɪʃən] n.禁止
projection [prə`dʒɛkʃən] n.設計;發射;預測
prone [pron] adj.易於...的;傾斜的
propaganda [prɑpə`gæ ndə] n.宣傳
propel [prə`pɛl] vt.推進
propeller [prə`pɛlɚ] n.螺旋槳;推進器
prose [proz] n.散文[U]
prosecute [`prɑsɪ͵kjut] vt.起訴
prosecution [͵prɑsɪ`kjuʃən] n.起訴
prospective [prə`spɛktɪv] adj.預期的
provincial [prə`vɪnʃəl] adj.省的;地方性的
provoke [prə`vok] vt.對...挑釁;煽動
prowl [praʊl] vi.vt.潛行(於)
punctual [`pʌŋktʃʊəl] adj.準時的
purify [`pjʊrə͵faɪ] vt.淨化;精煉
purity [`pjʊrətɪ] n.純淨
qualification [͵kwɑləfə`keʃən] n.資格
quarrelsome [`kwɔrəlsəm] adj.喜歡爭吵的
quench [kwɛntʃ] vt.vi.熄滅 vt.解(渴);壓制
query [`kwɪrɪ] n.vt.vi.詢問
questionnaire [͵kwɛstʃən`ɛr] n.問卷
racism [`resɪzəm] n.種族主義
radiant [`redjənt] adj.光芒四射的;容光煥發的
radiate [`redɪ͵et] vi.輻射 vi.vt.散發;流露
radiation [͵redɪ`eʃən] n.輻射;發光
radiator [`redɪ͵etɚ] n.散熱器;輻射體
radical [`ræ dɪk!] adj.根本的;激進的
raft [ræ ft] n.橡皮艇;木筏 vt.vi.乘筏(渡河)
raid [red] n.vt.vi.襲擊,劫掠
random [`ræ ndəm] n.任意行動 adj.隨機的
ransom [`ræ nsəm] n.贖金
rash [ræ ʃ] n.疹子 adj.輕率的
rational [`ræ ʃən!] adj.理性的 n.有理數
ravage[`ræ vɪdʒ] vt.使荒蕪 vi.n.毀滅;蹂躪
realism [`riəl͵ɪzəm] n.現實性
realization [͵riələ`zeʃən] n.領悟;實現
rebellion [rɪ`bɛljən] n.反叛
recession [rɪ`sɛʃən] n.後退;衰退
recipient [rɪ`sɪpɪənt] n.接受者 adj.接受的
recommendation [͵rɛkəmɛn`deʃən] n.推薦
reconcile [`rɛkənsaɪl] vt.使和解
recreational [͵rɛkrɪ`eʃən!] adj.消遣的
recruit [rɪ`krut] vt.vi.徵募 n.新兵;新手
recur [rɪ`kɝ] vi.再發生;返回
redundant [rɪ`dʌndənt] adj.多餘的
refine [rɪ`faɪn] vt.vi.提煉;改善
refinement [rɪ`faɪnmənt] n.提煉;改善
reflective [rɪ`flɛktɪv] adj.反射的
refreshment [rɪ`frɛʃmənt] n.精力恢復[U];
refund [`ri͵fʌnd] n. 退款;償還
 [rɪ`fʌnd] vt.vi.退款;償還
regardless [rɪ`gɑrdlɪs] adj.不關心(注意)的
regime [rɪ`ʒim] n.政體;政權
rehearsal [rɪ`hɝs!] n.排練
rehearse [rɪ`hɝs] vt.vi.排練
rein [ren] n.韁繩 vt.駕馭 vi.勒馬
reinforce [͵riɪn`fɔrs] vt.強化
relay [rɪ`le] n.接力賽跑 vt.vi.轉播
relevant [`rɛləvənt] adj.有關的
reliance [rɪ`laɪəns] n.信賴;依靠
relish [`rɛlɪʃ] n.滋味 vt.品嚐 vi.可口
remainder [rɪ`mendɚ] n.剩餘物
removal [rɪ`muv!] n.移去
renaissance [`rɛnə͵sɑns] n.新生;文藝復興

render [`rɛndɚ] vt.使成為;付給;提出
renowned [rɪ`naʊnd] adj.有名的
rental [`rɛnt!] n.租金;租賃 adj.供出租的
repress [rɪ`prɛs] vt.vi.抑制
resemblance [rɪ`zɛmbləns] n.相似
reservoir [`rɛzɚ͵vɔr] n.蓄水庫
residential [͵rɛzə`dɛnʃəl] adj.居住的
resistant [rɪ`zɪstənt] adj.抵抗的 n.抵抗者
resolute [`rɛzə͵lut] adj.堅決的 n.堅定的人
respective [rɪ`spɛktɪv] adj.各自的
restoration [͵rɛstə`reʃən] n.恢復;重建
restraint [rɪ`strent] n.抑制
retail [`ritel] n.vt.vi.零售 adj.零售的
retaliate [rɪ`tæ lɪ͵et] vi.vt.報復
retrieve [rɪ`triv] vt.重獲;挽回 vi.銜回獵物
revelation [rɛv!`eʃən] n.揭示;顯示;天啟
revenue [`rɛvə͵nju] n.收入
revival [rɪ`vaɪv!] n.甦醒;重振
rhetoric [`rɛtərɪk] n.修辭
rhythmic [`rɪðmɪk] adj.有節奏的
ridicule [`rɪdɪkjul] n.vt.嘲笑
rigorous [`rɪgərəs] adj.嚴格的
riot [`raɪət] n.vi.暴亂;喧鬧
rite [raɪt] n.儀式
ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n.adj.儀式(的)
rivalry [`raɪv!rɪ] n.競爭
rotate [`rotet] vi.vt.(使)旋轉,輪流
rotation [ro`teʃən] n.旋轉;輪流
royalty [`rɔɪəltɪ] n.王位;皇族
ruby [`rubɪ] n.紅寶石
safeguard [`sef͵gɑrd] vt.n.保護
saloon [sə`lun] n.交誼廳;酒吧
salvation [sæ l`veʃən] n.拯救
sanction [`sæŋkʃən] n.vt.認可;制裁
sanctuary [`sæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n.教堂;庇護所
sane [sen] adj.神志正常的;健全的
sanitation [͵sænə`teʃən] n.公共衛生
scenic [`sinɪk] adj.風景的;戲劇的
scope [skop] n.範圍;領域
script [skrɪpt] n.筆跡;腳本 vt.編為劇本
sector [`sɛktɚ] n.扇形;部分
seduce [sɪ`djus] vt.誘惑
selective [sə`lɛktɪv] adj.有選擇性的
seminar [`sɛmə͵nɑr] n.研討班;專題研討會
senator [`sɛnətɚ] n.參議員
sentimental [͵sɛntə`mɛnt!] adj.多情的
sequence [`sikwəns] n.連續;後果
serene [sə`rin] adj.安詳的;平靜的
serenity [sə`rɛnətɪ] n.晴朗;平靜
serving [`sɝvɪŋ] n.服務;(食物)一份
session [`sɛʃən] n.會議;開庭;講習班
setback [`sɛt͵bæk] n.挫折
sewer [`suɚ] n.污水管;下水道
shed [ʃɛd] n.棚 vt.vi.流出;散發
sheer [ʃɪr] adj.全然的 adv.十足地
shilling [`ʃɪlɪŋ] n.先令
shoplift [`ʃɑp͵lɪft] vi.vt.在商店內順手牽羊
shrewd [ʃrud] adj.精明的;狡猾的
shun [ʃʌn] vt.躲開
siege [sidʒ] n.vt.圍攻
signify [`sɪgnə͵faɪ] vt.表示;意味著
silicon [`sɪlɪkən] n.矽
simplicity [sɪm`plɪsətɪ] n.簡單;樸素
simplify [`sɪmplə͵faɪ] vt.簡化
simultaneous [͵saɪm!`tenɪəs] adj.同步的
skeptical [`skɛptɪk!] adj.懷疑的
skim [skɪm] vt.vi.掠過;瀏覽
slang [slæŋ] n.俚語
slash [slæ ʃ] vt.vi.砍;鞭打 n.砍痕;斜線
slavery [`slevərɪ] n.奴隸身分;奴役
slot [slɑt] n.狹縫;投幣口
slum [slʌm] n.貧民窟
smack [smæ k] vt.vi.n 摑巴掌;響吻
smallpox [`smɔl͵pɑks] n.天花
smother [`smʌðɚ] vt.vi.(使)窒息
smuggle [`smʌg!] vt.vi.走私
snare [snɛr] n.圈套 vt.(用陷阱等)捕捉
sneaky [`snikɪ] adj.鬼鬼祟祟的
sneer [snɪr] vi.vt.嘲諷,冷笑
soar [sor] vi.n.高飛;暴漲
sociable [`soʃəb!] adj.好交際的
socialism [`soʃəl͵ɪzəm] n.社會主義
socialist [`soʃəlɪst] n.社會主義者
socialize [`soʃə͵laɪz] vt.vi.交際;社會化
sociology [͵soʃɪ`ɑlədʒɪ] n.社會學
sodium [`sodɪəm] n.鈉
solidarity [͵sɑlə`dæ rətɪ] n.團結
solitude [`sɑlə͵tjud] n.孤獨
soothe [suð] vt.vi.安慰;緩和
sophisticated [sə`fɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj.世故的;
sovereignty [`sɑvrɪntɪ] n.君權;主權
spacious [`speʃəs] adj.寬敞的
span [spæ n] n.跨度;一段時間
specialize [`spɛʃəl͵aɪz] vi.專攻 vt.使專門化
specialty [`spɛʃəltɪ] n.特產;專業
specify [`spɛsə͵faɪ] vt.具體指明
spectacular [spɛk`tæ kjəlɚ] adj.壯觀的
spectrum [`spɛktrəm] n.光譜
speculate [`spɛkjə͵let] vi.思索 vt.推測
sphere [sfɪr] n.球體;領域
spike [spaɪk] n.大釘;釘鞋
spiral [`spaɪrəl] n.螺旋 adj.螺旋(形)的
 vi.盤旋 vt.使呈螺旋形
spire [spaɪr] n.尖塔 vt.給…裝尖頂 vi.聳立
spokesperson / spokesman / spokeswoman
[`spoks͵pɝsn] / [`spoksmən] [`spoks͵wʊmən]
sponsor [`spɑnsɚ] n.發起者;贊助者 vt.資助
spontaneous [spɑn`tenɪəs] adj.自發的
spouse [spaʊz] n.配偶
sprawl [sprɔl] vi.vt.伸開四肢躺;(使) 蔓生
squad [skwɑd] n.小隊
squash [skwɑʃ] vt.vi.(把…)壓扁(壓碎)
stability [stə`bɪlətɪ] n.穩定(性)
stabilize [`steb!͵aɪz] vt.vi.(使)穩定
stalk [stɔk] vt.vi.n.悄悄追蹤
stammer [`stæ mɚ] vi.vt.n.口吃
staple [`step!] n.主食;訂書釘 adj.主要的
stapler [`steplɚ] n. 主要產品經營商;釘書機
starch [stɑrtʃ] n.澱粉
starvation [stɑr`veʃən] n.飢餓
stationary [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj.不動的
stationery [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ] n.文具[U]
stature [`stæ tʃɚ] n.身高;身材;高度境界
steamer [`stimɚ] n.汽船;蒸鍋;蒸汽機
stimulate [`stɪmjə͵let] vt.vi.刺激;促使
stimulation [͵stɪmjə`leʃən] n.刺激;鼓舞
stimulus [`stɪmjələs] n.刺激(品);興奮劑
stock [stɑk] n.存貨;股票 vt.vi.辦貨
strangle [`stræŋg!] vt.vi.勒死;抑制
strategic [strə`tidʒɪk] adj.戰略的
stunt [stʌnt] n.絕技 vt.阻礙 vi.表演絕技
subjective [səb`dʒɛktɪv] adj.主觀的;個人的
subordinate [sə`bɔrdnɪt] adj.下級的;隸屬的
subscribe [səb`skraɪb] vt.vi.認捐;訂閱
subscription [səb`skrɪpʃən] n.認捐;訂閱
subsequent [`sʌbsɪ͵kwɛnt] adj.隨後的
substitution [͵sʌbstə`tjuʃən] n.代替(物)
subtle [`sʌt!] adj.微妙的;隱約的
suburban [sə`bɝbən] adj.郊區的
succession [sək`sɛʃən] n.連續;繼任
successive [sək`sɛsɪv] adj.連續的;後繼的
successor [sək`sɛsɚ] n.繼承人;接替的事物
suffocate [`sʌfə͵ket] vt.vi.(使)窒息
suite [swit] n.套房;隨員;套(組)
superb [sʊ`pɝb] adj.堂皇的;極好的
superiority [sə͵pɪrɪ`ɔrətɪ] n.優越
supersonic [͵supɚ`sɑnɪk] adj.n.超音波(的)
superstitious [͵supɚ`stɪʃəs] adj.迷信的
supervision [͵supɚ`vɪʒən] n.監督
supplement [`sʌpləmənt] n.增補;補給品
surpass [sɚ`pæ s] vt.勝過
surplus [`sɝpləs] n.adj.過剩(的);剩餘物
suspense [sə`spɛns] n.懸而不決;暫停
suspension [sə`spɛnʃən] n.懸吊;暫停
swap [swɑp] vt.vi.n.交換
symbolic [sɪm`bɑlɪk] adj.象徵的
symbolize [`sɪmb!͵aɪz] vt.vi.象徵
symmetry [`sɪmɪtrɪ] n.對稱(性)
symptom [`sɪmptəm] n.症狀
synonym [`sɪnə͵nɪm] n.同義字
synthetic [sɪn`θɛtɪk] adj.合成的
tact [tæ kt] n.老練;機智;圓滑
tactic [`tæ ktɪk] n.戰術;策略
tariff [`tæ rɪf] n.關稅;稅率
tedious [`tidɪəs] adj.冗長乏味的
temperament [`tɛmprəmənt] n.氣質;性情
tempest [`tɛmpɪst] n.暴風雨;騷動
terminate [`tɝmə͵net] vt.vi.(使)終止
textile [`tɛkstaɪl] n.紡織品 adj.紡織的
texture [`tɛkstʃɚ] n.質地;構造
theatrical [θɪ`æ trɪk!] adj.戲劇的;誇張的
theft [θɛft] n.偷竊
theoretical [͵θiə`rɛtɪk!] adj.理論的
therapist [`θɛrəpɪst] n.特定療法技師
therapy [`θɛrəpɪ] n.治療;療法
thereafter [ðɛr`æ ftɚ] adv.之後
thereby [ðɛr`baɪ] adv.由此;從而
thermometer [θɚ`mɑmətɚ] n.溫度計
threshold [`θrɛʃhold] n.門檻;開端
thrift [θrɪft] n.節儉
thrifty [`θrɪftɪ] adj.節儉的;茂盛的
thrive [θraɪv] vi.興旺;繁榮
throb [θrɑb] vi.n.跳動;悸動
toll [tol] n.通行費;傷亡人數;鐘聲
topple [`tɑp!] vt.vi.(使) 倒塌
tornado [tɔr`nedo] n.龍捲風
trait [tret] n.特徵;少許
tranquil [`træŋkwɪl] adj.平靜的
tranquilizer [`træŋkwɪ͵laɪzɚ] n.鎮定劑
transaction [træ n`zæ kʃən] n.交易;辦理
transcript [`træn͵skrɪpt] n.抄本;成績單
transformation [͵trænsfɚ`meʃən] n.轉變;變形
transistor [træ n`zɪstɚ] n.電晶體
transit [`træ nsɪt] n.vt.vi.運輸;過渡
transition [træ n`zɪʃən] n.過渡;轉變
transmission [træ ns`mɪʃən] n.傳輸;傳送
transmit [træ ns`mɪt] vt.vi.傳送;發報
transplant [træ ns`plæ nt] vt.vi.移植;(使)移居
trauma [`trɔmə] n.創傷
tread [trɛd] vi.vt.踩;踏
treason [`trizn] n.叛國罪[U]
trek [trɛk] n.移居;旅行 vi.艱苦跋涉;移居
tremor [`trɛmɚ] n.顫抖;震動
trespass [`trɛspəs] vi.n.擅自進入
trigger [`trɪgɚ] n.扳機 vt.扣扳機;引起
triumphant [traɪ`ʌmfənt] adj.勝利的
trivial [`trɪvɪəl] adj.瑣細的;不重要的
trophy [`trofɪ] n.戰利品;獎杯
tropic [`trɑpɪk] n.回歸線;熱帶[the P]
truant [`truənt] n.逃學者 adj.逃學的 vi.逃學
truce [trus] n.停戰
tuberculosis [tju͵bɝkjə`losɪs] n.結核病[U]
tumor [`tjumɚ] n.腫瘤
turmoil [`tɝmɔɪl] n.騷動;混亂[U][C]
twilight [`twaɪ͵laɪt] n.薄暮
tyranny [`tɪrənɪ] n.暴政;專橫
ulcer [`ʌlsɚ] n.潰瘍;弊病
ultimate [`ʌltəmɪt] adj.最終的;極限的
unanimous [jʊ`næ nəməs] adj.一致同意的
uncover [ʌn`kʌvɚ] vt.揭露
underestimate [`ʌndɚ`ɛstə͵met] vt.低估
undergo [͵ʌndɚ`go] vt.經歷;接受(治療等)
undermine [͵ʌndɚ`maɪn] vt.暗中破壞
undertake [͵ʌndɚ`tek] vt.進行;承擔
undo [ʌn`du] vt.解開;取消;破壞
unemployment [͵ʌnɪm`plɔɪmənt] n.失業
unfold [ʌn`fold] vt.vi.展開
unify [`junə͵faɪ] vt.vi.統一
unlock [ʌn`lɑk] vt.vi.開…的鎖;解開
unpack [ʌn`pæ k] vt.vi.打開包裹;卸下
upbringing [`ʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n.養育;教養
upgrade [`ʌp`gred] n.vt.升級 adv.上坡
uphold [ʌp`hold] vt.舉起;支撐;維持
uranium [jʊ`renɪəm] n.鈾
urgency [`ɝdʒənsɪ] n.緊急;急事
urine [`jʊrɪn] n.尿
usher [`ʌʃɚ] n.引座員 vt.vi.招待;迎接
utensil [ju`tɛns!] n.器皿;厨房用具
utility [ju`tɪlətɪ] n.效用;公用事業;(水、
 電、瓦斯類等的)公共設施 adj.實用的
utilize [`jut!͵aɪz] vt.利用
utmost [`ʌt͵most] adj.極度的 n.極度
vaccine [`væ ksin] adj.疫苗的 n.疫苗
valiant [`væ ljənt] adj.英勇的 n.勇士
valid [`væ lɪd] adj.有根據的;有效的
validity [və`lɪdətɪ] n.正當;有效性;合法性
vanilla [və`nɪlə] n.香草 adj.香草的;普通的
variable [`vɛrɪəb!] adj.多變的 n.可變因素
variation [͵vɛrɪ`eʃən] n.變動;差異
vend [vɛnd] vi.vt.出售
vendor [`vɛndɚ] n.小販;自動販賣機
verge [vɝdʒ] n.邊緣 vi.vt.處在(…)邊緣
versatile [`vɝsət!] adj.多才多藝的;多功能的
version [`vɝʒən] n.版本;說法
veteran [`vɛtərən] n.老兵;老手
veterinarian [͵vɛtərə`nɛrɪən] n.獸醫(vet)
vibration [vaɪ`breʃən] n.顫動;共鳴
vice [vaɪs] n.惡 adj.副的
vicious [`vɪʃəs] adj.邪惡的;惡性的
victimize [`vɪktɪ͵maɪz] vt.使受害;欺騙
victor [`vɪktɚ] n.勝利者
victorious [vɪk`torɪəs] adj.勝利的
villa [`vɪlə] n.別墅
vineyard [`vɪnjɚd] n.葡萄園
virtual [`vɝtʃʊəl] adj.實際上的;虛擬的
visualize[`vɪʒʊə͵laɪz] vt.vi.使視覺化;想像
vitality [vaɪ`tæ lətɪ] n.活力;生命力
vocal [`vok!] adj.聲音的;歌唱的
vocation [vo`keʃən] n.行業;傾向
vocational [vo`keʃən!] adj.職業的
vogue [vog] n.流行(物)
vomit [`vɑmɪt] vt.vi.n.嘔吐
vulgar [`vʌlgɚ] adj.粗俗的;通俗的
vulnerable [`vʌlnərəb!] adj.易受傷的
wardrobe [`wɔrd͵rob] n.衣櫥
warfare [`wɔr͵fɛr] n.戰爭
warranty [`wɔrəntɪ] n.保證書;擔保
waterproof / watertight
[`wɑtɚ͵pruf] [`wɑtɚ`taɪt] adj.防水的
whatsoever [ˌwɑtsoˈɛvɚ] pron.adv.adj.
windshield [`wɪnd͵ʃild] n.擋風玻璃
withstand [wɪð`stæ nd] vt.vi.反抗;禁得起
witty [`wɪtɪ] adj.機智的;說話風趣的
woo [wu] vt.vi.追求;求愛;爭取
wrench [rɛntʃ] vt.vi.n.猛扭;扭傷
wrestle [`rɛs!] vt.摔(角);與…搏鬥
Xerox / xerox [`zɪrɑks] n.影印機(商標名);
yearn [jɝn] vi.思念;渴望
zeal [zil] n.熱心;熱誠







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