在美國NASDAQ納斯達克證券交易所,Google的母公司Alphabet Inc.有兩個股票代號:GOOG和GOOGL。兩者的價格有些微的差異。以2021年7月28日的收盤價來看,GOOG股價分別為$ 2735.93,GOOGL股價分別為$ 2638,但是兩個股票到底差在哪呢?
2022年2月1日Google的母公司Alphabet Inc 宣布了將實施20:1的股票分割(台灣叫除權),手上有Goog/Googl的股東,每一股將無償配發19股的股票股利, 2022 年 7 月 1 日收市時(“Record date”)登記在冊的每位股東將在 2022 年 7 月 15 日收市後收到額外 19 股的股息,當股價也會依20:1的比例下調(如同台灣除權股價之計算方式)
➤ 領美股現金股利(Cash Dividend)?先學會除息日(Ex-dividend date)及記錄日(Record date)是什麼
➤ 領美股現金股利(Cash Dividend)?先學會除息日(Ex-dividend date)及記錄日(Record date)是什麼
(1) Alphabet Inc Class A - 股票代號為NASDAQ:GOOGL,有投票權
(2) Alphabet Inc Class C - 股票代號為NASDAQ:GOOG,無投票權
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因此如果以股價走勢來看,Goog似乎比Googl有更好的報酬率,但為何沒有投票權的Goog會比有投票權的Googl有更好的報酬率呢? 一個最可能的原因是Alphabet的股票回購在2021年7月以前只有對GOOG執行,並無回購GOOGL,但在2021年第二季的財報公告未來股票回購的標的將不再限於GOOG,GOOGL也是回購執行的標的。因此,未來我相信GOOG及GOOGL的股價差異將會變小,
股票回購/庫藏股回購(Stock Repurchase)
股票回購/庫藏股回購Stock Repurchase(2021Q2財報)
As we previously announced in April 2021, the Alphabet board authorized the company to repurchase up to an
additional $50 billion of its Class C capital stock under our stock repurchase program. On July 22, 2021, the board approved an amendment to the stock repurchase program permitting us to repurchase both Class A (註: GOOGL)and Class C(註: GOOG) shares, in a manner deemed in the best interest of the company and its stockholders, taking into account the economic cost and prevailing market conditions, including the relative trading prices and volumes of the Class A and Class C shares.
股票分割 20:1 (Stock Split ) -2021Q4財報宣布
Alphabet 今天宣布,董事會已批准並宣布以一次性特別股票股息的形式對公司 A 類(Googl)、B 類、和 C 類股票(Goog)進行 20 比 1 的股票拆分(即“股票分割”)。 股票分割須經股東會批准對公司之"修訂和重述的公司註冊證書"修改,以增加 A 類、B 類和 C 類股票的授權股份數量以適應股票分割。
如果獲得批准,公司在 2022 年 7 月 1 日收市時(“記錄日期”)登記在冊的每位股東將在 2022 年 7 月 15 日收市後收到額外 19 股的股息 該股東在記錄日持有的每一股股票屬於同一類別的股票。
Stock Split Effected in Form of Stock Dividend (“Stock Split”)
Alphabet today announced that the Board of Directors had approved and declared a 20-for-one stock split (the
“Stock Split”) in the form of a one-time special stock dividend on each share of the Company’s Class A, Class B,
and Class C stock. The Stock Split is subject to stockholder approval of an amendment to the Company’s Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of Class A, Class B, and Class C stock to accommodate the Stock Split.
If approval is obtained, each of the Company’s stockholders of record at the close of business on July 1, 2022 (the“Record Date”), will receive, after the close of business on July 15, 2022, a dividend of 19 additional shares of the same class of stock for every share held by such stockholder as of the Record Date.