學測英文科字彙表7000單 LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)+ 例句 (字母t)
大考中心字彙表LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)
tact [tæ kt] n.老練;機智;圓滑
Eng: She handled the delicate situation with great tact, avoiding any hurt feelings.
TC: 她以極高的老練處理了這個微妙的情況,避免了任何傷害感情的事情。
tactic [`tæ ktɪk] n.戰術;策略
Eng: The team's defensive tactics proved effective against the opponent's strong offense.
TC: 這支隊伍的防守戰術對抗對手強大的進攻證明是有效的。
tariff [`tæ rɪf] n.關稅;稅率
Eng: The government decided to increase the import tariff on certain goods.
TC: 政府決定提高某些商品的進口關稅。
tedious [`tidɪəs] adj.冗長乏味的
Eng: The manual labor required for the task made it a tedious process.
TC: 這項任務所需的人工勞動使其變成了一個冗長乏味的過程。
temperament [`tɛmprəmənt] n.氣質;性情
Eng: Her cheerful temperament brightened up the room.
TC: 她快樂的氣質為房間增添了光明。
tempest [`tɛmpɪst] n.暴風雨;騷動
Eng: The ship bravely sailed through the tempest and reached the shore.
TC: 船勇敢地航行過暴風雨,抵達了岸邊。
terminate [`tɝmə͵net] vt.vi.(使)終止
Eng: The company decided to terminate the contract due to breach of agreement.
TC: 公司決定因協議違反而終止合同。
textile [`tɛkstaɪl] n.紡織品 adj.紡織的
Eng: The museum had a collection of ancient textiles showcasing various weaving /ˈwivɪŋ/ techniques.
TC: 這家博物館收藏了一些古代紡織品,展示了各種編織技術。
texture [`tɛkstʃɚ] n.質地;構造
Eng: The texture of the fabric was soft and smooth to the touch.
TC: 這種布料的質地柔軟光滑。
theatrical [θɪ`æ trɪk!] adj.戲劇的;誇張的
Eng: Her theatrical performance captivated the audience and earned her a standing ovation[oˋveʃən].
TC: 她的戲劇表演吸引了觀眾,贏得了起立鼓掌。
The speaker captivated[ˋkæptə͵vet] the audience. 演說者深深地打動了他的聽眾。
theft [θɛft] n.偷竊
Eng: The theft of valuable paintings from the museum shocked the art community.
TC: 博物館珍貴畫作的偷竊震驚了藝術界。
theoretical [͵θiə`rɛtɪk!] adj.理論的
Eng: The professor presented a theoretical framework for understanding complex social phenomena.
TC: 教授提出了一個理論框架來理解複雜的社會現象。
therapist [`θɛrəpɪst] n.特定療法技師
Eng: The therapist used various techniques to help the patient manage their anxiety.
TC: 這位治療師使用了各種技巧來幫助患者管理焦慮情緒。
therapy [`θɛrəpɪ] n.治療;療法
Eng: Physical therapy was recommended to aid in the patient's recovery from the injury.
TC: 建議進行物理治療,以幫助患者從傷勢中康復。
thereafter [ðɛr`æ ftɚ] adv.之後
Eng: After the successful launch, the company expanded its operations thereafter.
TC: 成功推出後,公司此後擴大了業務。
thereby [ðɛr`baɪ] adv.由此;從而
Eng: The new law aimed to improve air quality and thereby protect public health.
TC: 這項新法律旨在改善空氣質量,從而保護公共健康。
thermometer [θɚ`mɑmətɚ] n.溫度計
Eng: The thermometer outside the window indicated that it was freezing cold.
TC: 窗外的溫度計顯示出天氣非常寒冷。
threshold [`θrɛʃhold] n.門檻;開端
Eng: Crossing the threshold of the new year, they embarked on exciting adventures.
TC: 跨越新的一年門檻,他們踏上了刺激的冒險。
thrift [θrɪft] n.節儉
Eng: Her thrift and careful budgeting allowed her to save money for future endeavors.
TC: 她的節儉和細心預算讓她為未來的事業儲蓄了錢。
thrifty [`θrɪftɪ] adj.節儉的;茂盛的
Eng: Their thrifty habits resulted in significant savings over time.
TC: 他們的節儉習慣使他們長期以來節省了很多錢。
thrive [θraɪv] vi.興旺;繁榮
Eng: The small business managed to thrive despite the competitive market.
TC: 儘管市場競爭激烈,這家小企業仍然繁榮起來。
throb [θrɑb] vi.n.跳動;悸動
Eng: His head throbbed with pain after the intense workout.
TC: 激烈的運動後,他的頭劇烈跳動。
toll [tol] n.通行費;傷亡人數;鐘聲 vt.vi徵稅;(緩慢而反覆地)敲(鐘)
Eng: The toll for crossing the bridge was collected at the entrance.
TC: 穿越橋樑的通行費在入口處收取。
topple [`tɑp!] vt.vi.(使) 倒塌
Eng: The strong wind caused the old tree to topple over.
TC: 強風使老樹倒塌。
tornado [tɔr`nedo] n.龍捲風
Eng: The tornado left a path of destruction in its wake.
TC: 龍捲風在其路徑上造成了破壞。
trait [tret] n.特徵;少許
Eng: Honesty is a valuable trait in a person's character.
TC: 誠實是一個人品格中寶貴的特徵。
tranquil [`træŋkwɪl] adj.平靜的
Eng: The tranquil lake provided a peaceful retreat for nature lovers.
TC: 寧靜的湖泊為愛好大自然的人提供了一個寧靜的休憩場所。
tranquilizer [`træŋkwɪ͵laɪzɚ] n.鎮定劑
Eng: The veterinarian administered a tranquilizer to calm the anxious dog.
TC: 獸醫給焦慮的狗注射了鎮定劑。
transaction [træ n`zæ kʃən] n.交易;辦理
Eng: The online transaction was completed smoothly, and the product was shipped promptly.
TC: 在線交易順利完成,產品及時發貨。
transcript [`træn͵skrɪpt] n.抄本;成績單
Eng: She requested a transcript of her academic records from the university.
TC: 她向大學請求了她的學術成績單。
transformation [͵trænsfɚ`meʃən] n.轉變;變形
Eng: The transformation of the old building into a modern hotel was impressive.
TC: 舊建築物變身為現代酒店的轉變令人印象深刻。
transistor [træ n`zɪstɚ] n.電晶體
Eng: Transistors are fundamental components in electronic devices.
TC: 電晶體是電子設備中的基本元件。
transit [`træ nsɪt] n.vt.vi.運輸;過渡
Eng: The goods were in transit and expected to arrive tomorrow.
TC: 貨物正在運輸中,預計明天抵達。
transition [træ n`zɪʃən] n.過渡;轉變
Eng: The transition from student life to professional career can be challenging.
TC: 從學生生活到職業生涯的過渡可能具有挑戰性。
transmission [træ ns`mɪʃən] n.傳輸;傳送
Eng: The radio station had a clear transmission of the live concert.
TC: 廣播電台清晰地傳送了現場音樂會。
transmit [træ ns`mɪt] vt.vi.傳送;發報
Eng: The satellite was used to transmit signals across the globe.
TC: 這顆衛星被用來在全球傳送信號。
transplant [træ ns`plæ nt] vt.vi.移植;(使)移居
Eng: They decided to transplant the flower to a sunnier location.
TC: 他們決定將這朵花移植到更陽光充足的地方。
trauma [`trɔmə] n.創傷
Eng: The accident left her with emotional trauma that took time to heal.
TC: 這場事故給她留下了需要時間療癒的情感創傷。
tread [trɛd] vi.vt.踩;踏
Eng: He carefully treaded on the icy path to avoid slipping.
TC: 他小心地踏在冰凍的小路上,以避免滑倒。
treason [`trizn] n.叛國罪[U]
Eng: Committing treason against one's own country is a serious offense.
TC: 對自己的國家犯下叛國罪是一個嚴重的罪行。
trek [trɛk] n.移居;旅行 vi.艱苦跋涉;移居
Eng: They embarked on a long trek through the mountains.
TC: 他們踏上了穿越山脈的長途跋涉之旅。
tremor [`trɛmɚ] n.顫抖;震動
Eng: The earthquake caused a violent tremor that rattled the buildings.
TC: 地震引起了劇烈的顫抖,使建筑物搖晃不已。
trespass [`trɛspəs] vi.n.擅自進入
Eng: It is illegal to trespass on private property without permission.
TC: 未經允許擅自進入私人財產是違法的。
trigger [`trɪgɚ] n.扳機 vt.扣扳機;引起
Eng: The loud noise triggered a sense of panic among the crowd.
TC: 響亮的聲音引發了人群中的恐慌情緒。
triumphant [traɪ`ʌmfənt] adj.勝利的
Eng: The team celebrated their triumphant victory in the championship game.
TC: 這支隊伍在錦標賽比賽中慶祝他們的勝利。
trivial [`trɪvɪəl] adj.瑣細的;不重要的
Eng: Don't waste time on trivial matters; focus on what's important.
TC: 不要在瑣碎的事情上浪費時間,專注於重要的事情。
trophy [`trofɪ] n.戰利品;獎杯
Eng: The athlete proudly held up his trophy after winning the race.
TC: 這位運動員在贏得比賽后自豪地舉起了他的獎杯。
tropic [`trɑpɪk] n.回歸線;熱帶
Eng: They traveled to a tropical island to enjoy the warm weather.
TC: 他們前往一個熱帶島嶼,享受溫暖的天氣。
truant [`truənt] n.逃學者 adj.逃學的 vi.逃學
Eng: The school had a policy to address the issue of truant students.
TC: 學校有一項政策來解決逃學學生的問題。
truce [trus] n.停戰
Eng: The warring parties agreed to a truce to allow for peace talks.
TC: 交戰各方同意停戰,以便進行和平談判。
tuberculosis [tju͵bɝkjə`losɪs] n.結核病[U]
Eng: Tuberculosis was a major health concern in the early 20th century.
TC: 結核病是20世紀早期的主要健康問題。
tumor [`tjumɚ] n.腫瘤
Eng: The doctor recommended further tests to determine the nature of the tumor.
TC: 醫生建議進一步檢查以確定腫瘤的性質。
turmoil [`tɝmɔɪl] n.騷動;混亂[U][C]
Eng: The country was in turmoil as political protests erupted.
TC: 隨著政治抗議活動爆發,該國陷入了動盪。
twilight [`twaɪ͵laɪt] n.薄暮
Eng: The cityscape looked enchanting during the twilight hours.
TC: 城市景色在黃昏時分顯得迷人。
tyranny [`tɪrənɪ] n.暴政;專橫
Eng: The people rebelled against the tyranny of the oppressive ruler.
TC: 人民反抗壓制性統治者的專橫行為。
ulcer [`ʌlsɚ] n.潰瘍;弊病
ultimate [`ʌltəmɪt] adj.最終的;極限的
unanimous [jʊ`næ nəməs] adj.一致同意的
uncover [ʌn`kʌvɚ] vt.揭露
underestimate [`ʌndɚ`ɛstə͵met] vt.低估
undergo [͵ʌndɚ`go] vt.經歷;接受(治療等)
undermine [͵ʌndɚ`maɪn] vt.暗中破壞
undertake [͵ʌndɚ`tek] vt.進行;承擔
undo [ʌn`du] vt.解開;取消;破壞
unemployment [͵ʌnɪm`plɔɪmənt] n.失業
unfold [ʌn`fold] vt.vi.展開
unify [`junə͵faɪ] vt.vi.統一
unlock [ʌn`lɑk] vt.vi.開…的鎖;解開
unpack [ʌn`pæ k] vt.vi.打開包裹;卸下
upbringing [`ʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n.養育;教養
upgrade [`ʌp`gred] n.vt.升級 adv.上坡
uphold [ʌp`hold] vt.舉起;支撐;維持
uranium [jʊ`renɪəm] n.鈾
urgency [`ɝdʒənsɪ] n.緊急;急事
urine [`jʊrɪn] n.尿
usher [`ʌʃɚ] n.引座員 vt.vi.招待;迎接
utensil [ju`tɛns!] n.器皿;厨房用具
utility [ju`tɪlətɪ] n.效用;公用事業;(水、
電、瓦斯類等的)公共設施 adj.實用的
utilize [`jut!͵aɪz] vt.利用
utmost [`ʌt͵most] adj.極度的 n.極度
vaccine [`væ ksin] adj.疫苗的 n.疫苗
valiant [`væ ljənt] adj.英勇的 n.勇士
valid [`væ lɪd] adj.有根據的;有效的
validity [və`lɪdətɪ] n.正當;有效性;合法性
vanilla [və`nɪlə] n.香草 adj.香草的;普通的
variable [`vɛrɪəb!] adj.多變的 n.可變因素
variation [͵vɛrɪ`eʃən] n.變動;差異
vend [vɛnd] vi.vt.出售
vendor [`vɛndɚ] n.小販;自動販賣機
verge [vɝdʒ] n.邊緣 vi.vt.處在(…)邊緣
versatile [`vɝsət!] adj.多才多藝的;多功能的
version [`vɝʒən] n.版本;說法
veteran [`vɛtərən] n.老兵;老手
veterinarian [͵vɛtərə`nɛrɪən] n.獸醫(vet)
vibration [vaɪ`breʃən] n.顫動;共鳴
vice [vaɪs] n.惡 adj.副的
vicious [`vɪʃəs] adj.邪惡的;惡性的
victimize [`vɪktɪ͵maɪz] vt.使受害;欺騙
victor [`vɪktɚ] n.勝利者
victorious [vɪk`torɪəs] adj.勝利的
villa [`vɪlə] n.別墅
vineyard [`vɪnjɚd] n.葡萄園
virtual [`vɝtʃʊəl] adj.實際上的;虛擬的
visualize[`vɪʒʊə͵laɪz] vt.vi.使視覺化;想像
vitality [vaɪ`tæ lətɪ] n.活力;生命力
vocal [`vok!] adj.聲音的;歌唱的
vocation [vo`keʃən] n.行業;傾向
vocational [vo`keʃən!] adj.職業的
vogue [vog] n.流行(物)
vomit [`vɑmɪt] vt.vi.n.嘔吐
vulgar [`vʌlgɚ] adj.粗俗的;通俗的
vulnerable [`vʌlnərəb!] adj.易受傷的
wardrobe [`wɔrd͵rob] n.衣櫥
warfare [`wɔr͵fɛr] n.戰爭
warranty [`wɔrəntɪ] n.保證書;擔保
waterproof / watertight
[`wɑtɚ͵pruf] [`wɑtɚ`taɪt] adj.防水的
whatsoever [ˌwɑtsoˈɛvɚ] pron.adv.adj.
windshield [`wɪnd͵ʃild] n.擋風玻璃
withstand [wɪð`stæ nd] vt.vi.反抗;禁得起
witty [`wɪtɪ] adj.機智的;說話風趣的
woo [wu] vt.vi.追求;求愛;爭取
wrench [rɛntʃ] vt.vi.n.猛扭;扭傷
wrestle [`rɛs!] vt.摔(角);與…搏鬥
Xerox / xerox [`zɪrɑks] n.影印機(商標名);
yearn [jɝn] vi.思念;渴望
zeal [zil] n.熱心;熱誠