"Pull in" 及 "Push out" 交期是什麼意思?
Pull in/Advance :代表提前交貨。
Push out:表示延後出貨。
提前交貨 (Pull in/Advance)
"pull in" :在訂單原定交期前交貨,就是提早交貨的意思
(1) We are working hard to pull in the delivery date of your order to early September and will contact you as soon as there is any update.
我們正在努力將交貨日期提早到 9 月初,一旦有任何更新,我們會盡快與您聯繫。
(2) Sorry , we will not be able to pull in the delivery at any earlier schedule.
(2) Suppliers may not advance delivery dates without the prior agreement of ABC Company.
未經 ABC 公司事先同意,供應商不得提前交貨日期。
延後出貨(Push out)
push out : 在訂單原定交期之後才交貨,就是延後出貨的意思
(1) Generally we are unable to push out delivery on any order without 45 days notice from original confirmed date.
一般來說,客戶如果沒有在原始確認日期起算前 45 天事先告知,我們將無法推遲任何訂單的交貨。
(2) Customers wishing to push out a delivery date by up to 3 months are requested to give at least 45 days notice prior to shipping
客戶如果希望將交貨日期延後達 3 個月,請在發貨前至少提前 45 天通知我們。
改時間的英文怎麼說?Reschedule, Put off, Push back..
售屋後如何報稅?房地合一稅(新制) V.S. 財產交易所稅(舊制),如何申報