






首先,要確保信件開頭簡潔明瞭,讓收件人能夠快速瞭解信件的內容。開頭應該包括一個清晰的主題和一個簡短的介紹。主旨必須具體而明確,例如:Request for Information、Meeting Request、Proposal Submission等。



最後,在結尾部分,可以使用一些禮貌的詞語,例如:Best regards、Sincerely、Thank you等。同時,要確保提供適當的聯繫信息,例如電話號碼或電子郵件地址。



Subject: Request for Proposal Submission

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Sarah Smith and I am the project manager for XYZ Corp. I am writing to request a proposal submission from your company, Acme Solutions, for the upcoming project.

We are in the process of selecting a vendor for this project and are interested in receiving a proposal from Acme Solutions. The proposal should include a detailed description of your company's experience in similar projects, proposed timeline, and estimated budget.

If Acme Solutions is interested in submitting a proposal, please let me know and I will send you the necessary documents and further instructions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Sarah Smith

Project Manager, XYZ Corp.

Contact Information: email@example.com, 555-123-4567




▲ Thank you for your email. | 感謝您的電子郵件。
▲ I hope this email finds you well. | 希望您一切順利。
▲ Just wanted to follow up on our previous conversation. | 只是想追蹤一下我們之前的交談。
▲ Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. | 如有任何問題或疑慮,請告知。
▲ I wanted to touch base regarding our upcoming meeting. | 我想就即將到來的會議聯繫一下。
▲ I appreciate your prompt response. | 感謝您的及時回覆。
▲ Could you please provide more information on this topic? | 請提供更多關於這個主題的信息。
▲ Please find attached the document you requested. | 請查收您要求的文件。
▲ I am writing to request a meeting. | 我寫信是為了請求一次會議。
▲ I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. | 對於可能造成的任何不便,我深表歉意。
▲ Can we schedule a call to discuss further? | 我們能安排一個電話會議進一步討論嗎?
▲ I wanted to share some exciting news with you. | 我想與您分享一些令人興奮的消息。

▲ Could you please clarify your requirements for this project? | 能否請您澄清一下這個項目的要求?
▲ I would like to request an extension on the deadline for this project. | 我想請求延長這個項目的截止日期。
▲ Thank you for your attention to this matter. | 感謝您對此事的關注。
▲ Please let me know if you need any further information from me. | 如果您需要我提供更多信息,請告訴我。
▲ I look forward to hearing back from you soon. | 我期待很快收到您的回覆。
▲ Best regards, | 最好的問候,
▲ Thank you for your time. | 感謝您的時間。
▲ I hope this email finds you well and in good health. | 希望您身體健康,一切安好。
▲ As per our conversation, I am sending you the requested information. | 根據我們的談話,我將發送您所要求的信息。
▲ I would like to set up a meeting to discuss this matter in more detail. | 我想安排一次會議,以更詳細地討論此事。
▲ Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with. | 如果有什麼其他事情需要





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