學測英文科字彙表7000單 LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)+ 例句 (字母R)


大考中心字彙表LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)


racism [`resɪzəm] n.種族主義

English: Racism is a harmful belief that one race is superior to others, leading to discrimination and prejudice.

radiant [`redjənt] adj.光芒四射的;容光煥發的

English: The actress looked radiant on the red carpet, with her smile shining brightly.

radiate [`redɪ͵et] vi.輻射 vi.vt.散發;流露

English: The sun radiates light and warmth, making life possible on our planet.

radiation [͵redɪ`eʃən] n.輻射;發光

English: The radiation from the nuclear power plant should be closely monitored to ensure safety.

radiator [`redɪ͵etɚ] n.散熱器;輻射體

English: The radiator in the car helps to cool down the engine and prevent it from overheating.

radical [`ræ dɪk!] adj.根本的;激進的 n.根(號);部首;激進份子

English: The novel presents a radical idea that challenges the established norms of society.

English: The mathematician used a radical symbol (√) to represent square roots.
中文:這位數學家使用了根號符號 (√) 來表示平方根。

raft [ræ ft] n.橡皮艇;木筏 vt.vi.乘筏(渡河)

English: They went on a rafting trip down the river and enjoyed the thrill of the adventure.

raid [red] n.vt.vi.襲擊,劫掠

English: The pirates planned to raid the merchant ship and steal its valuable cargo.

random [`ræ ndəm] n.任意行動 adj.隨機的

English: The lottery numbers are drawn at random, giving everyone an equal chance to win the jackpot.

ransom [`ræ nsəm] n.贖金

English: The lottery winner received a large sum of money as ransom for the safe return of his kidnapped daughter.

rash [ræ ʃ] n.疹子 adj.輕率的

English: The hiker developed a rash after coming into contact with poison ivy in the forest.

rational [`ræ ʃən!] adj.理性的 n.有理數

English: His rational explanation of the situation helped to resolve the conflict peacefully.

ravage[`ræ vɪdʒ] vt.使荒蕪 vi.n.毀滅;蹂躪

English: The war ravaged the country, leaving it in ruins and destruction.

realism [`riəl͵ɪzəm] n.現實性

English: The film director aims for realism in depicting the characters' lives and struggles.

realization [͵riələ`zeʃən] n.領悟;實現

English: The realization of her dream to become a singer brought her immense joy and satisfaction.

rebellion [rɪ`bɛljən] n.反叛

English: The rebellion against the tyrannical government was led by a group of brave individuals.

recession [rɪ`sɛʃən] n.後退;衰退

English: The country is experiencing an economic recession due to the global financial crisis.

recipient [rɪ`sɪpɪənt] n.接受者 adj.接受的

English: The scholarship recipient was honored at the award ceremony for her academic achievements.

recommendation [͵rɛkəmɛn`deʃən] n.推薦

English: The restaurant received positive recommendations from many satisfied customers.

reconcile [`rɛkənsaɪl] vt.使和解

English: After their argument, they finally reconciled their differences and became friends again.

recreational [͵rɛkrɪ`eʃən!] adj.消遣的

English: The park offers various recreational activities, such as hiking, boating, and picnicking.

recruit [rɪ`krut] vt.vi.徵募 n.新兵;新手

English: The army was recruiting new soldiers to join their ranks.

recur [rɪ`kɝ] vi.再發生;返回

English: The problem of pollution will recur unless we take proactive measures to address it.

redundant [rɪ`dʌndənt] adj.多餘的

English: With the advancement of technology, some traditional job roles have become redundant.

refine [rɪ`faɪn] vt.vi.提煉;改善

English: The chef refined the recipe by adding a few more ingredients for extra flavor.

refinement [rɪ`faɪnmənt] n.提煉;改善

English: The design team worked tirelessly on the refinement of the product's user interface.

reflective [rɪ`flɛktɪv] adj.反射的

English: The cyclist wore a reflective vest to enhance visibility during nighttime riding.

refreshment [rɪ`frɛʃmənt] n.精力恢復[U];茶點;點心[C]

English: After a long hike, the hikers stopped for some refreshments at the mountain hut.

refund [`ri͵fʌnd] n. 退款;償還 

English: The airline issued a refund to passengers for the canceled flight.

regardless [rɪ`gɑrdlɪs] adj.不關心(注意)的

English: Regardless of the obstacles, she continued pursuing her dreams with determination.

regime [rɪ`ʒim] n.政體;政權

English: The country underwent a significant change in regime after the revolution.

rehearsal [rɪ`hɝs!] n.排練

English: The theater troupe had a final rehearsal before the opening night of their new play.

rehearse [rɪ`hɝs] vt.vi.排練

English: Before the big presentation, the speaker decided to rehearse his speech in front of a mirror.

rein [ren] n.韁繩 vt.駕馭 vi.勒馬

English: The horseback riders held the reins firmly to control their horses during the race.

reinforce [͵riɪn`fɔrs] vt.強化

English: The company decided to reinforce its cybersecurity measures after experiencing a cyber attack.

English: The teacher used positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior in the classroom.

relay [rɪ`le] n.接力賽跑 vt.vi.轉播

English: The live sports event was relayed on television for millions of viewers to watch.

relevant [`rɛləvənt] adj.有關的

English: The research findings are highly relevant to the current scientific inquiry.

reliance [rɪ`laɪəns] n.信賴;依靠

English: He placed great reliance on his team's ability to complete the project successfully.

relish [`rɛlɪʃ] n.滋味 vt.品嚐 vi.可口

English: The chef added a special relish to the dish, making it even more delicious.

remainder [rɪ`mendɚ] n.剩餘物

English: After selling most of the items, only a few remained in the store.

English: After the party, there were many cakes and snacks left as the remainder of the celebration.

removal [rɪ`muv!] n.移去

English: The removal of the old furniture made space for new decorations in the room.

renaissance [`rɛnə͵sɑns] n.新生;文藝復興

English: The art exhibition celebrated the renaissance of local artists and their creative works.

render [`rɛndɚ] vt.使成為;付給;提出;;使變得;使處於某種狀態

English: The artist used vibrant colors to render the landscape painting exceptionally beautiful.

English: The architect will render the building plans in 3D to better visualize the design.

English: The company will render the payment to the supplier on time.

English: The lawyer will render legal advice to the client during the consultation.

English: The chef will render the duck fat to use for cooking.

renowned [rɪ`naʊnd] adj.有名的

English: The renowned actor received a standing ovation after his outstanding performance.

rental [`rɛnt!] n.租金;租賃 adj.供出租的

English: The rental fee for the apartment includes utilities such as water and electricity.

repress [rɪ`prɛs] vt.vi.抑制

English: The soldiers were ordered to repress any attempts of rebellion among the citizens.

resemblance [rɪ`zɛmbləns] n.相似

English: There is a strong resemblance between the two siblings; they look almost identical.

reservoir [`rɛzɚ͵vɔr] n.蓄水庫
English: The reservoir supplies water to the entire city during the dry season.

residential [͵rɛzə`dɛnʃəl] adj.居住的
English: The neighborhood is mainly residential, with many houses and apartments.

resistant [rɪ`zɪstənt] adj.抵抗的 n.抵抗者
English: The material used for the new armor is resistant to bullets and explosions.

resolute [`rɛzə͵lut] adj.堅決的 n.堅定的人
English: Despite facing challenges, she remained resolute in her decision to pursue her dreams.

respective [rɪ`spɛktɪv] adj.各自的
English: Each team member will present their respective findings at the meeting.

restoration [͵rɛstə`reʃən] n.恢復;重建
English: The restoration of the historical building took several years to complete.

restraint [rɪ`strent] n.抑制
English: The police officer showed great restraint and managed to peacefully resolve the situation.

retail [`ritel] n.vt.vi.零售 adj.零售的

English: The store sells a variety of products at both wholesale and retail prices.

retaliate [rɪ`tæ lɪ͵et] vi.vt.報復
English: The country vowed to retaliate against any aggressive actions from its neighboring nation.

retrieve [rɪ`triv] vt.重獲;挽回 vi.銜回獵物
English: The detective was able to retrieve valuable evidence from the crime scene.

revelation [rɛv!`eʃən] n.揭示;顯示;天啟
English: The discovery of ancient artifacts was a revelation for archaeologists.

revenue [`rɛvə͵nju] n.收入
English: The company's revenue increased significantly after launching the new product.

revival [rɪ`vaɪv!] n.甦醒;重振
English: The arts and culture festival contributed to the revival of the town's tourism industry.

rhetoric [`rɛtərɪk] n.修辭
English: The politician's speech was filled with persuasive rhetoric to win over the audience.

rhythmic [`rɪðmɪk] adj.有節奏的
English: The dancers moved in perfect rhythmic synchronization with the music.

ridicule [`rɪdɪkjul] n.vt.嘲笑
English: The comedian's hilarious performance led to bursts of laughter rather than ridicule.

rigorous [`rɪgərəs] adj.嚴格的
English: The scientific experiment followed rigorous protocols to ensure accurate results.

riot [`raɪət] n.vi.暴亂;喧鬧
English: The police were called in to disperse the rioting crowd and restore order.

rite [raɪt] n.儀式
English: The traditional wedding ceremony included various cultural rites and customs.

ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n.adj.儀式(的)
English: The tribe performs a sacred ritual to honor their ancestors every year.

rivalry [`raɪv!rɪ] n.競爭

English: The intense rivalry between the two sports teams always makes their matches exciting to watch.

rotate [`rotet] vi.vt.(使)旋轉,輪流

English: The Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night.

rotation [ro`teʃən] n.旋轉;輪流

English: The crops are planted in a rotation to improve soil fertility.

royalty [`rɔɪəltɪ] n.王位;皇族

English: The prince and princess attended the ceremony as representatives of royalty.

ruby [`rubɪ] n.紅寶石
English: The queen's crown was adorned with a large, beautiful ruby at its center.






safeguard [`sef͵gɑrd] vt.n.保護
saloon [sə`lun] n.交誼廳;酒吧
salvation [sæ l`veʃən] n.拯救
sanction [`sæŋkʃən] n.vt.認可;制裁
sanctuary [`sæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n.教堂;庇護所
sane [sen] adj.神志正常的;健全的
sanitation [͵sænə`teʃən] n.公共衛生
scenic [`sinɪk] adj.風景的;戲劇的
scope [skop] n.範圍;領域
script [skrɪpt] n.筆跡;腳本 vt.編為劇本
sector [`sɛktɚ] n.扇形;部分
seduce [sɪ`djus] vt.誘惑
selective [sə`lɛktɪv] adj.有選擇性的
seminar [`sɛmə͵nɑr] n.研討班;專題研討會
senator [`sɛnətɚ] n.參議員
sentimental [͵sɛntə`mɛnt!] adj.多情的
sequence [`sikwəns] n.連續;後果
serene [sə`rin] adj.安詳的;平靜的
serenity [sə`rɛnətɪ] n.晴朗;平靜
serving [`sɝvɪŋ] n.服務;(食物)一份
session [`sɛʃən] n.會議;開庭;講習班
setback [`sɛt͵bæk] n.挫折
sewer [`suɚ] n.污水管;下水道
shed [ʃɛd] n.棚 vt.vi.流出;散發
sheer [ʃɪr] adj.全然的 adv.十足地
shilling [`ʃɪlɪŋ] n.先令
shoplift [`ʃɑp͵lɪft] vi.vt.在商店內順手牽羊
shrewd [ʃrud] adj.精明的;狡猾的
shun [ʃʌn] vt.躲開
siege [sidʒ] n.vt.圍攻
signify [`sɪgnə͵faɪ] vt.表示;意味著
silicon [`sɪlɪkən] n.矽
simplicity [sɪm`plɪsətɪ] n.簡單;樸素
simplify [`sɪmplə͵faɪ] vt.簡化
simultaneous [͵saɪm!`tenɪəs] adj.同步的
skeptical [`skɛptɪk!] adj.懷疑的
skim [skɪm] vt.vi.掠過;瀏覽
slang [slæŋ] n.俚語
slash [slæ ʃ] vt.vi.砍;鞭打 n.砍痕;斜線
slavery [`slevərɪ] n.奴隸身分;奴役
slot [slɑt] n.狹縫;投幣口
slum [slʌm] n.貧民窟
smack [smæ k] vt.vi.n 摑巴掌;響吻
smallpox [`smɔl͵pɑks] n.天花
smother [`smʌðɚ] vt.vi.(使)窒息
smuggle [`smʌg!] vt.vi.走私
snare [snɛr] n.圈套 vt.(用陷阱等)捕捉
sneaky [`snikɪ] adj.鬼鬼祟祟的
sneer [snɪr] vi.vt.嘲諷,冷笑
soar [sor] vi.n.高飛;暴漲
sociable [`soʃəb!] adj.好交際的
socialism [`soʃəl͵ɪzəm] n.社會主義
socialist [`soʃəlɪst] n.社會主義者
socialize [`soʃə͵laɪz] vt.vi.交際;社會化
sociology [͵soʃɪ`ɑlədʒɪ] n.社會學
sodium [`sodɪəm] n.鈉
solidarity [͵sɑlə`dæ rətɪ] n.團結
solitude [`sɑlə͵tjud] n.孤獨
soothe [suð] vt.vi.安慰;緩和
sophisticated [sə`fɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj.世故的;
sovereignty [`sɑvrɪntɪ] n.君權;主權
spacious [`speʃəs] adj.寬敞的
span [spæ n] n.跨度;一段時間
specialize [`spɛʃəl͵aɪz] vi.專攻 vt.使專門化
specialty [`spɛʃəltɪ] n.特產;專業
specify [`spɛsə͵faɪ] vt.具體指明
spectacular [spɛk`tæ kjəlɚ] adj.壯觀的
spectrum [`spɛktrəm] n.光譜
speculate [`spɛkjə͵let] vi.思索 vt.推測
sphere [sfɪr] n.球體;領域
spike [spaɪk] n.大釘;釘鞋
spiral [`spaɪrəl] n.螺旋 adj.螺旋(形)的
 vi.盤旋 vt.使呈螺旋形
spire [spaɪr] n.尖塔 vt.給…裝尖頂 vi.聳立
spokesperson / spokesman / spokeswoman
[`spoks͵pɝsn] / [`spoksmən] [`spoks͵wʊmən]
sponsor [`spɑnsɚ] n.發起者;贊助者 vt.資助
spontaneous [spɑn`tenɪəs] adj.自發的
spouse [spaʊz] n.配偶
sprawl [sprɔl] vi.vt.伸開四肢躺;(使) 蔓生
squad [skwɑd] n.小隊
squash [skwɑʃ] vt.vi.(把…)壓扁(壓碎)
stability [stə`bɪlətɪ] n.穩定(性)
stabilize [`steb!͵aɪz] vt.vi.(使)穩定
stalk [stɔk] vt.vi.n.悄悄追蹤
stammer [`stæ mɚ] vi.vt.n.口吃
staple [`step!] n.主食;訂書釘 adj.主要的
stapler [`steplɚ] n. 主要產品經營商;釘書機
starch [stɑrtʃ] n.澱粉
starvation [stɑr`veʃən] n.飢餓
stationary [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj.不動的
stationery [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ] n.文具[U]
stature [`stæ tʃɚ] n.身高;身材;高度境界
steamer [`stimɚ] n.汽船;蒸鍋;蒸汽機
stimulate [`stɪmjə͵let] vt.vi.刺激;促使
stimulation [͵stɪmjə`leʃən] n.刺激;鼓舞
stimulus [`stɪmjələs] n.刺激(品);興奮劑
stock [stɑk] n.存貨;股票 vt.vi.辦貨
strangle [`stræŋg!] vt.vi.勒死;抑制
strategic [strə`tidʒɪk] adj.戰略的
stunt [stʌnt] n.絕技 vt.阻礙 vi.表演絕技
subjective [səb`dʒɛktɪv] adj.主觀的;個人的
subordinate [sə`bɔrdnɪt] adj.下級的;隸屬的
subscribe [səb`skraɪb] vt.vi.認捐;訂閱
subscription [səb`skrɪpʃən] n.認捐;訂閱
subsequent [`sʌbsɪ͵kwɛnt] adj.隨後的
substitution [͵sʌbstə`tjuʃən] n.代替(物)
subtle [`sʌt!] adj.微妙的;隱約的
suburban [sə`bɝbən] adj.郊區的
succession [sək`sɛʃən] n.連續;繼任
successive [sək`sɛsɪv] adj.連續的;後繼的
successor [sək`sɛsɚ] n.繼承人;接替的事物
suffocate [`sʌfə͵ket] vt.vi.(使)窒息
suite [swit] n.套房;隨員;套(組)
superb [sʊ`pɝb] adj.堂皇的;極好的
superiority [sə͵pɪrɪ`ɔrətɪ] n.優越
supersonic [͵supɚ`sɑnɪk] adj.n.超音波(的)
superstitious [͵supɚ`stɪʃəs] adj.迷信的
supervision [͵supɚ`vɪʒən] n.監督
supplement [`sʌpləmənt] n.增補;補給品
surpass [sɚ`pæ s] vt.勝過
surplus [`sɝpləs] n.adj.過剩(的);剩餘物
suspense [sə`spɛns] n.懸而不決;暫停
suspension [sə`spɛnʃən] n.懸吊;暫停
swap [swɑp] vt.vi.n.交換
symbolic [sɪm`bɑlɪk] adj.象徵的
symbolize [`sɪmb!͵aɪz] vt.vi.象徵
symmetry [`sɪmɪtrɪ] n.對稱(性)
symptom [`sɪmptəm] n.症狀
synonym [`sɪnə͵nɪm] n.同義字
synthetic [sɪn`θɛtɪk] adj.合成的
tact [tæ kt] n.老練;機智;圓滑
tactic [`tæ ktɪk] n.戰術;策略
tariff [`tæ rɪf] n.關稅;稅率
tedious [`tidɪəs] adj.冗長乏味的
temperament [`tɛmprəmənt] n.氣質;性情
tempest [`tɛmpɪst] n.暴風雨;騷動
terminate [`tɝmə͵net] vt.vi.(使)終止
textile [`tɛkstaɪl] n.紡織品 adj.紡織的
texture [`tɛkstʃɚ] n.質地;構造
theatrical [θɪ`æ trɪk!] adj.戲劇的;誇張的
theft [θɛft] n.偷竊
theoretical [͵θiə`rɛtɪk!] adj.理論的
therapist [`θɛrəpɪst] n.特定療法技師
therapy [`θɛrəpɪ] n.治療;療法
thereafter [ðɛr`æ ftɚ] adv.之後
thereby [ðɛr`baɪ] adv.由此;從而
thermometer [θɚ`mɑmətɚ] n.溫度計
threshold [`θrɛʃhold] n.門檻;開端
thrift [θrɪft] n.節儉
thrifty [`θrɪftɪ] adj.節儉的;茂盛的
thrive [θraɪv] vi.興旺;繁榮
throb [θrɑb] vi.n.跳動;悸動
toll [tol] n.通行費;傷亡人數;鐘聲
topple [`tɑp!] vt.vi.(使) 倒塌
tornado [tɔr`nedo] n.龍捲風
trait [tret] n.特徵;少許
tranquil [`træŋkwɪl] adj.平靜的
tranquilizer [`træŋkwɪ͵laɪzɚ] n.鎮定劑
transaction [træ n`zæ kʃən] n.交易;辦理
transcript [`træn͵skrɪpt] n.抄本;成績單
transformation [͵trænsfɚ`meʃən] n.轉變;變形
transistor [træ n`zɪstɚ] n.電晶體
transit [`træ nsɪt] n.vt.vi.運輸;過渡
transition [træ n`zɪʃən] n.過渡;轉變
transmission [træ ns`mɪʃən] n.傳輸;傳送
transmit [træ ns`mɪt] vt.vi.傳送;發報
transplant [træ ns`plæ nt] vt.vi.移植;(使)移居
trauma [`trɔmə] n.創傷
tread [trɛd] vi.vt.踩;踏
treason [`trizn] n.叛國罪[U]
trek [trɛk] n.移居;旅行 vi.艱苦跋涉;移居
tremor [`trɛmɚ] n.顫抖;震動
trespass [`trɛspəs] vi.n.擅自進入
trigger [`trɪgɚ] n.扳機 vt.扣扳機;引起
triumphant [traɪ`ʌmfənt] adj.勝利的
trivial [`trɪvɪəl] adj.瑣細的;不重要的
trophy [`trofɪ] n.戰利品;獎杯
tropic [`trɑpɪk] n.回歸線;熱帶[the P]
truant [`truənt] n.逃學者 adj.逃學的 vi.逃學
truce [trus] n.停戰
tuberculosis [tju͵bɝkjə`losɪs] n.結核病[U]
tumor [`tjumɚ] n.腫瘤
turmoil [`tɝmɔɪl] n.騷動;混亂[U][C]
twilight [`twaɪ͵laɪt] n.薄暮
tyranny [`tɪrənɪ] n.暴政;專橫
ulcer [`ʌlsɚ] n.潰瘍;弊病
ultimate [`ʌltəmɪt] adj.最終的;極限的
unanimous [jʊ`næ nəməs] adj.一致同意的
uncover [ʌn`kʌvɚ] vt.揭露
underestimate [`ʌndɚ`ɛstə͵met] vt.低估
undergo [͵ʌndɚ`go] vt.經歷;接受(治療等)
undermine [͵ʌndɚ`maɪn] vt.暗中破壞
undertake [͵ʌndɚ`tek] vt.進行;承擔
undo [ʌn`du] vt.解開;取消;破壞
unemployment [͵ʌnɪm`plɔɪmənt] n.失業
unfold [ʌn`fold] vt.vi.展開
unify [`junə͵faɪ] vt.vi.統一
unlock [ʌn`lɑk] vt.vi.開…的鎖;解開
unpack [ʌn`pæ k] vt.vi.打開包裹;卸下
upbringing [`ʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n.養育;教養
upgrade [`ʌp`gred] n.vt.升級 adv.上坡
uphold [ʌp`hold] vt.舉起;支撐;維持
uranium [jʊ`renɪəm] n.鈾
urgency [`ɝdʒənsɪ] n.緊急;急事
urine [`jʊrɪn] n.尿
usher [`ʌʃɚ] n.引座員 vt.vi.招待;迎接
utensil [ju`tɛns!] n.器皿;厨房用具
utility [ju`tɪlətɪ] n.效用;公用事業;(水、
 電、瓦斯類等的)公共設施 adj.實用的
utilize [`jut!͵aɪz] vt.利用
utmost [`ʌt͵most] adj.極度的 n.極度
vaccine [`væ ksin] adj.疫苗的 n.疫苗
valiant [`væ ljənt] adj.英勇的 n.勇士
valid [`væ lɪd] adj.有根據的;有效的
validity [və`lɪdətɪ] n.正當;有效性;合法性
vanilla [və`nɪlə] n.香草 adj.香草的;普通的
variable [`vɛrɪəb!] adj.多變的 n.可變因素
variation [͵vɛrɪ`eʃən] n.變動;差異
vend [vɛnd] vi.vt.出售
vendor [`vɛndɚ] n.小販;自動販賣機
verge [vɝdʒ] n.邊緣 vi.vt.處在(…)邊緣
versatile [`vɝsət!] adj.多才多藝的;多功能的
version [`vɝʒən] n.版本;說法
veteran [`vɛtərən] n.老兵;老手
veterinarian [͵vɛtərə`nɛrɪən] n.獸醫(vet)
vibration [vaɪ`breʃən] n.顫動;共鳴
vice [vaɪs] n.惡 adj.副的
vicious [`vɪʃəs] adj.邪惡的;惡性的
victimize [`vɪktɪ͵maɪz] vt.使受害;欺騙
victor [`vɪktɚ] n.勝利者
victorious [vɪk`torɪəs] adj.勝利的
villa [`vɪlə] n.別墅
vineyard [`vɪnjɚd] n.葡萄園
virtual [`vɝtʃʊəl] adj.實際上的;虛擬的
visualize[`vɪʒʊə͵laɪz] vt.vi.使視覺化;想像
vitality [vaɪ`tæ lətɪ] n.活力;生命力
vocal [`vok!] adj.聲音的;歌唱的
vocation [vo`keʃən] n.行業;傾向
vocational [vo`keʃən!] adj.職業的
vogue [vog] n.流行(物)
vomit [`vɑmɪt] vt.vi.n.嘔吐
vulgar [`vʌlgɚ] adj.粗俗的;通俗的
vulnerable [`vʌlnərəb!] adj.易受傷的
wardrobe [`wɔrd͵rob] n.衣櫥
warfare [`wɔr͵fɛr] n.戰爭
warranty [`wɔrəntɪ] n.保證書;擔保
waterproof / watertight
[`wɑtɚ͵pruf] [`wɑtɚ`taɪt] adj.防水的
whatsoever [ˌwɑtsoˈɛvɚ] pron.adv.adj.
windshield [`wɪnd͵ʃild] n.擋風玻璃
withstand [wɪð`stæ nd] vt.vi.反抗;禁得起
witty [`wɪtɪ] adj.機智的;說話風趣的
woo [wu] vt.vi.追求;求愛;爭取
wrench [rɛntʃ] vt.vi.n.猛扭;扭傷
wrestle [`rɛs!] vt.摔(角);與…搏鬥
Xerox / xerox [`zɪrɑks] n.影印機(商標名);
yearn [jɝn] vi.思念;渴望
zeal [zil] n.熱心;熱誠







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