學測英文科字彙表7000單 LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)+ 例句 (字母P-Q)


大考中心字彙表LEVEL 6 (1,080 words)


pact [pæ kt] n.契約

Pact: The two countries signed a trade pact to promote economic cooperation. (契約)

pamphlet [`pæ mflɪt] n.小冊子

Pamphlet: The organization distributed a pamphlet about the importance of recycling. (小冊子)

paralyze [`pæ rə͵laɪz] vt.使麻痺,使癱瘓

Paralyze: A spinal cord injury can paralyze a person from the waist down. (使麻痺,使癱瘓)

parliament [`pɑrləmənt] n.議會;國會

Parliament: The new laws were discussed and approved in the parliament. (議會;國會)

pathetic [pə`θɛtɪk] adj.可憐的

Pathetic: The sight of the abandoned puppy looking for food was quite pathetic. (可憐的)

patriotic [͵petrɪ`ɑtɪk] adj.愛國的

Patriotic: The citizens showed their patriotic spirit by waving flags during the national parade. (愛國的)

personal digital assistant n.個人數位助理(PDA)[`pɝsn!] [`dɪdʒɪt!] [ə`sɪstənt]
Personal digital assistant (PDA): John uses a personal digital assistant to organize his schedule and tasks. (個人數位助理)

peddle [`pɛd!] vt.vi.(沿街)叫賣

Peddle: Street vendors often peddle various goods and products to passersby. (沿街)叫賣

pedestrian [pə`dɛstrɪən] n.行人 adj.徒步的

Pedestrian: The pedestrian waited patiently at the crosswalk before crossing the road. (行人)

peninsula [pə`nɪnsələ] n.半島

Peninsula: The city is located on a beautiful peninsula surrounded by the sea. (半島)

pension [`pɛnʃən] n.退休金;養老金

Pension: After retiring, she receives a monthly pension to support her living expenses. (退休金;養老金)

perception [pɚ`sɛpʃən] n.感知;觀念

Perception: The artist's painting elicited different emotions and perceptions from viewers. (感知;觀念)

perseverance [͵pɝsə`vɪrəns] n.堅持不懈;毅力

Perseverance: With great perseverance, she continued to practice the piano until she mastered the piece. (堅持不懈;毅力)

persevere [͵pɝsə`vɪr] vi.堅持不懈

Persevere: Despite facing numerous challenges, he decided to persevere and achieve his goals. (堅持不懈)

persistence [pɚ`sɪstəns] n.堅持;固執

Persistence: The scientist's persistence in research eventually led to a groundbreaking discovery. (堅持;固執)

persistent [pɚ`sɪstənt] adj.堅持不懈的;固執的

Persistent: The persistent rain caused flooding in many low-lying areas. (堅持不懈的;固執的)

perspective [pɚ`spɛktɪv] adj.透視的  n.觀點;遠景

Perspective: The aerial photograph provided a unique perspective of the city. (透視的;觀點;遠景)

pesticide [`pɛstɪ͵saɪd] n.殺蟲劑

Pesticide: Farmers use pesticides to protect their crops from pests and diseases. (殺蟲劑)

petroleum [pə`trolɪəm] n.石油

Petroleum: Many countries rely on petroleum as a major source of energy. (石油)

petty [`pɛtɪ] adj.小的;瑣碎的

Petty: The argument was over a petty disagreement that was blown out of proportion. (小的;瑣碎的)

pharmacist [`fɑrməsɪst] n.藥劑師

Pharmacist: The pharmacist dispensed the prescribed medication to the patient. (藥劑師)

pharmacy [`fɑrməsɪ] n.藥房

Pharmacy: She went to the pharmacy to purchase some over-the-counter medicine. (藥房)

phase [fez] n.階段 vt.vi.分階段進行

Phase: The construction project will be completed in several phases. (階段)

photographic [͵fotə`græ fɪk] adj.攝影的;逼真的

Photographic: The museum displayed a collection of photographic portraits from different eras. (攝影的;逼真的)

picturesque [͵pɪktʃə`rɛsk] adj.圖畫般的

Picturesque: The small village nestled in the valley was picturesque with its colorful houses and lush greenery. (圖畫般的)

pierce [pɪrs] vt.vi.刺穿

Pierce: The needle will pierce the fabric to sew the pieces together. (刺穿)

piety [`paɪətɪ] n.虔誠;孝順

Piety: The religious leader emphasized the importance of piety and devotion. (虔誠;孝順)

pious [`paɪəs] adj.虔誠的

Pious: She was known for her pious devotion to her faith and regular attendance at the church. (虔誠的)

pipeline [`paɪp͵laɪn] n.導管;輸油管

Pipeline: The oil pipeline stretches for miles to transport crude oil to the refinery. (導管;輸油管)

pitcher [`pɪtʃɚ] n.投手;水壺

Pitcher: The baseball pitcher threw a fast pitch, striking out the batter. (投手;水壺)

plight [plaɪt] n.誓約;困境

Plight: The family's financial plight worsened after the breadwinner lost their job. (誓約;困境)

pneumonia [nju`monjə] n.肺炎

Pneumonia: The doctor diagnosed the patient with pneumonia and prescribed antibiotics. (肺炎)

poach [potʃ] vt.盜獵;水煮

Poach: Poaching wildlife is illegal and harmful to endangered species. (盜獵;水煮)

poacher [`potʃɚ] n.盜獵者;蒸鍋

Poacher: The park rangers arrested a poacher who was hunting animals illegally. (盜獵者;蒸鍋)

pollutant [pə`lutənt] n.污染物 adj.受汙染的

Pollutant: Industrial emissions are a major pollutant that affects air quality. (污染物;受汙染的)

ponder [`pɑndɚ] vt.vi.沈思;仔細考慮

Ponder: He took a moment to ponder the question before giving his answer. (沈思;仔細考慮)

populate [`pɑpjə͵let] vt.居住於…

Populate: The island is sparsely populated, with only a few small villages. (居住於…)

posture [`pɑstʃɚ] n.姿勢

Posture: Good posture is essential for maintaining a healthy spine and preventing back pain. (姿勢)

precede [pri`sid] vt.vi.處在(...)之前;優於
Precede: The introduction will precede the main presentation. (處在(...)之前;優於)

precedent [`prɛsədənt] n.先例 adj.在前的

Precedent: The court ruling set a precedent for future similar cases. (先例;在前的)

precision [prɪ`sɪʒən] n.精確

Precision: The surgeon operated with great precision to remove the tumor successfully. (精確)

predecessor [`prɛdɪ͵sɛsɚ] n.前任

Predecessor: The new CEO took over from his predecessor who retired after a successful tenure. (前任)

prediction [prɪ`dɪkʃən] n.預言

Prediction: The weather forecast predicted heavy rain for the next two days. (預言)

preface [`prɛfɪs] n.序言

Preface: The author wrote a heartfelt preface to express gratitude to those who supported the book. (序言)

prejudice [`prɛdʒədɪs] n.偏見

Prejudice: We should strive to overcome prejudice and treat everyone with fairness and respect. (偏見)

preliminary[prɪ`lɪmə͵nɛrɪ] adj.預備的 n.初步

Preliminary: The team conducted preliminary tests before starting the main experiment. (預備的;初步)

premature[͵primə`tjʊr] adj.過早的;不成熟的

Premature: The baby's premature birth required special medical attention. (過早的;不成熟的)

premier [`primɪɚ]n.首相 adj.最早的;首要的

Premier: The prime minister delivered a speech at the premier's inaugural ceremony. (首相;最早的)

prescribe [prɪ`skraɪb] vt.規定;開處方

Prescribe: The doctor will prescribe medication to help with the patient's symptoms. (規定;開處方)

prescription [prɪ`skrɪpʃən] n.規定;處方

Prescription: The pharmacist filled the prescription and provided the necessary medication. (規定;處方)

preside [prɪ`zaɪd] vi.主持;管轄

Preside: The chairman will preside over the meeting and ensure its smooth operation. (主持;管轄)

presidency [`prɛzədənsɪ] n.總裁/總統職位

Presidency: The upcoming election will determine the next occupant of the presidency. (總裁/總統職位)

presidential [prɛzə`dɛnʃəl] adj.總裁/總統的

Presidential: The presidential candidate addressed the nation during a live televised debate. (總裁/總統的)

prestige [prɛs`tiʒ] n.名望

Prestige: The university's long history and academic excellence have contributed to its high prestige in the education community.

presume [prɪ`zum] vt.vi.擅自(做);假定

Presume: Please do not presume to know what others are thinking. (擅自(做);假定)

preventive [prɪ`vɛntɪv] adj.預防的

Preventive: Regular exercise and a balanced diet are preventive measures against certain diseases. (預防的)

productivity [͵prodʌk`tɪvətɪ] n.生產力

Productivity: The company implemented new strategies to increase productivity and efficiency. (生產力)

proficiency [prə`fɪʃənsɪ] n.精通

Proficiency: She demonstrated a high level of proficiency in speaking multiple languages. (精通)

profound [prə`faʊnd] adj.深刻的;完全的

Profound: The speaker's profound insights left a lasting impact on the audience. (深刻的;完全的)

progressive [prə`grɛsɪv] adj.進步的;革新的

 The company embraces progressive policies to promote diversity and inclusion. (進步的;革新的)

The company's progressive approach to employee benefits includes flexible working hours and generous parental leave policies.

The progressive reforms in the education system aim to enhance students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

prohibit [prə`hɪbɪt] vt.禁止

Prohibit: The sign clearly prohibits smoking in this area. (禁止)

prohibition [͵proə`bɪʃən] n.禁止

Prohibition: During the Prohibition era, the sale and consumption of alcohol were banned in the United States. (禁止)

projection [prə`dʒɛkʃən] n.設計;發射;預測

Projection: The architect presented the building's projection with detailed floor plans. (設計;發射;預測)

prone [pron] adj.易於...的;傾斜的

Prone: Children are more prone to catching colds during the winter months. (易於...的;傾斜的)

propaganda [prɑpə`gæ ndə] n.宣傳

Propaganda: The government used propaganda to shape public opinion during the war. (宣傳)

propel [prə`pɛl] vt.推進

Propel: The powerful engines propel the spacecraft into orbit. (推進)

propeller [prə`pɛlɚ] n.螺旋槳;推進器

Propeller: The boat's propeller helps it move through the water. (螺旋槳;推進器)

prose [proz] n.散文[U]

Prose: The author's latest book is a collection of thought-provoking prose. (散文[U])

prosecute [`prɑsɪ͵kjut] vt.起訴

Prosecute: The district attorney decided to prosecute the suspect for the crime. (起訴)

prosecution [͵prɑsɪ`kjuʃən] n.起訴

Prosecution: The prosecution presented compelling evidence against the accused. (起訴)

prospective [prə`spɛktɪv] adj.預期的

Prospective: The company is interviewing prospective candidates for the job opening. (預期的)

provincial [prə`vɪnʃəl] adj.省的;地方性的

Provincial: The small town's charm lies in its provincial atmosphere and friendly community. (省的;地方性的)

provoke [prə`vok] vt.對...挑釁;煽動

Provoke: His provocative remarks sparked a heated debate among the audience. (對...挑釁;煽動)

prowl [praʊl] vi.vt.潛行(於)

Prowl: The cat likes to prowl around the neighborhood at night. (潛行(於))

punctual [`pʌŋktʃʊəl] adj.準時的

Punctual: Please make sure to be punctual for the meeting at 9:00 AM. (準時的)

purify [`pjʊrə͵faɪ] vt.淨化;精煉

Purify: The water purification system removes impurities and provides clean drinking water. (淨化;精煉)

purity [`pjʊrətɪ] n.純淨

Purity: The snow on the mountaintop symbolizes purity and untouched beauty. (純淨)

qualification [͵kwɑləfə`keʃən] n.資格

English: To apply for the position, you need to have relevant qualifications and experience in the field.

quarrelsome [`kwɔrəlsəm] adj.喜歡爭吵的

English: Their quarrelsome nature often leads to heated arguments and disagreements.

quench [kwɛntʃ] vt.vi.熄滅 vt.解(渴);壓制

English: The firefighters worked tirelessly to quench the raging fire and protect nearby buildings.

query [`kwɪrɪ] n.vt.vi.詢問

English: She queried the results of the experiment, doubting the accuracy of the data collected.

questionnaire [͵kwɛstʃən`ɛr] n.問卷

English: The company conducted a customer satisfaction survey using a detailed questionnaire.



racism [`resɪzəm] n.種族主義
radiant [`redjənt] adj.光芒四射的;容光煥發的
radiate [`redɪ͵et] vi.輻射 vi.vt.散發;流露
radiation [͵redɪ`eʃən] n.輻射;發光
radiator [`redɪ͵etɚ] n.散熱器;輻射體
radical [`ræ dɪk!] adj.根本的;激進的
raft [ræ ft] n.橡皮艇;木筏 vt.vi.乘筏(渡河)
raid [red] n.vt.vi.襲擊,劫掠
random [`ræ ndəm] n.任意行動 adj.隨機的
ransom [`ræ nsəm] n.贖金
rash [ræ ʃ] n.疹子 adj.輕率的
rational [`ræ ʃən!] adj.理性的 n.有理數
ravage[`ræ vɪdʒ] vt.使荒蕪 vi.n.毀滅;蹂躪
realism [`riəl͵ɪzəm] n.現實性
realization [͵riələ`zeʃən] n.領悟;實現
rebellion [rɪ`bɛljən] n.反叛
recession [rɪ`sɛʃən] n.後退;衰退
recipient [rɪ`sɪpɪənt] n.接受者 adj.接受的
recommendation [͵rɛkəmɛn`deʃən] n.推薦
reconcile [`rɛkənsaɪl] vt.使和解
recreational [͵rɛkrɪ`eʃən!] adj.消遣的
recruit [rɪ`krut] vt.vi.徵募 n.新兵;新手
recur [rɪ`kɝ] vi.再發生;返回
redundant [rɪ`dʌndənt] adj.多餘的
refine [rɪ`faɪn] vt.vi.提煉;改善
refinement [rɪ`faɪnmənt] n.提煉;改善
reflective [rɪ`flɛktɪv] adj.反射的
refreshment [rɪ`frɛʃmənt] n.精力恢復[U];
refund [`ri͵fʌnd] n. 退款;償還
 [rɪ`fʌnd] vt.vi.退款;償還
regardless [rɪ`gɑrdlɪs] adj.不關心(注意)的
regime [rɪ`ʒim] n.政體;政權
rehearsal [rɪ`hɝs!] n.排練
rehearse [rɪ`hɝs] vt.vi.排練
rein [ren] n.韁繩 vt.駕馭 vi.勒馬
reinforce [͵riɪn`fɔrs] vt.強化
relay [rɪ`le] n.接力賽跑 vt.vi.轉播
relevant [`rɛləvənt] adj.有關的
reliance [rɪ`laɪəns] n.信賴;依靠
relish [`rɛlɪʃ] n.滋味 vt.品嚐 vi.可口
remainder [rɪ`mendɚ] n.剩餘物
removal [rɪ`muv!] n.移去
renaissance [`rɛnə͵sɑns] n.新生;文藝復興

render [`rɛndɚ] vt.使成為;付給;提出
renowned [rɪ`naʊnd] adj.有名的
rental [`rɛnt!] n.租金;租賃 adj.供出租的
repress [rɪ`prɛs] vt.vi.抑制
resemblance [rɪ`zɛmbləns] n.相似
reservoir [`rɛzɚ͵vɔr] n.蓄水庫
residential [͵rɛzə`dɛnʃəl] adj.居住的
resistant [rɪ`zɪstənt] adj.抵抗的 n.抵抗者
resolute [`rɛzə͵lut] adj.堅決的 n.堅定的人
respective [rɪ`spɛktɪv] adj.各自的
restoration [͵rɛstə`reʃən] n.恢復;重建
restraint [rɪ`strent] n.抑制
retail [`ritel] n.vt.vi.零售 adj.零售的
retaliate [rɪ`tæ lɪ͵et] vi.vt.報復
retrieve [rɪ`triv] vt.重獲;挽回 vi.銜回獵物
revelation [rɛv!`eʃən] n.揭示;顯示;天啟
revenue [`rɛvə͵nju] n.收入
revival [rɪ`vaɪv!] n.甦醒;重振
rhetoric [`rɛtərɪk] n.修辭
rhythmic [`rɪðmɪk] adj.有節奏的
ridicule [`rɪdɪkjul] n.vt.嘲笑
rigorous [`rɪgərəs] adj.嚴格的
riot [`raɪət] n.vi.暴亂;喧鬧
rite [raɪt] n.儀式
ritual [`rɪtʃʊəl] n.adj.儀式(的)
rivalry [`raɪv!rɪ] n.競爭
rotate [`rotet] vi.vt.(使)旋轉,輪流
rotation [ro`teʃən] n.旋轉;輪流
royalty [`rɔɪəltɪ] n.王位;皇族
ruby [`rubɪ] n.紅寶石
safeguard [`sef͵gɑrd] vt.n.保護
saloon [sə`lun] n.交誼廳;酒吧
salvation [sæ l`veʃən] n.拯救
sanction [`sæŋkʃən] n.vt.認可;制裁
sanctuary [`sæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n.教堂;庇護所
sane [sen] adj.神志正常的;健全的
sanitation [͵sænə`teʃən] n.公共衛生
scenic [`sinɪk] adj.風景的;戲劇的
scope [skop] n.範圍;領域
script [skrɪpt] n.筆跡;腳本 vt.編為劇本
sector [`sɛktɚ] n.扇形;部分
seduce [sɪ`djus] vt.誘惑
selective [sə`lɛktɪv] adj.有選擇性的
seminar [`sɛmə͵nɑr] n.研討班;專題研討會
senator [`sɛnətɚ] n.參議員
sentimental [͵sɛntə`mɛnt!] adj.多情的
sequence [`sikwəns] n.連續;後果
serene [sə`rin] adj.安詳的;平靜的
serenity [sə`rɛnətɪ] n.晴朗;平靜
serving [`sɝvɪŋ] n.服務;(食物)一份
session [`sɛʃən] n.會議;開庭;講習班
setback [`sɛt͵bæk] n.挫折
sewer [`suɚ] n.污水管;下水道
shed [ʃɛd] n.棚 vt.vi.流出;散發
sheer [ʃɪr] adj.全然的 adv.十足地
shilling [`ʃɪlɪŋ] n.先令
shoplift [`ʃɑp͵lɪft] vi.vt.在商店內順手牽羊
shrewd [ʃrud] adj.精明的;狡猾的
shun [ʃʌn] vt.躲開
siege [sidʒ] n.vt.圍攻
signify [`sɪgnə͵faɪ] vt.表示;意味著
silicon [`sɪlɪkən] n.矽
simplicity [sɪm`plɪsətɪ] n.簡單;樸素
simplify [`sɪmplə͵faɪ] vt.簡化
simultaneous [͵saɪm!`tenɪəs] adj.同步的
skeptical [`skɛptɪk!] adj.懷疑的
skim [skɪm] vt.vi.掠過;瀏覽
slang [slæŋ] n.俚語
slash [slæ ʃ] vt.vi.砍;鞭打 n.砍痕;斜線
slavery [`slevərɪ] n.奴隸身分;奴役
slot [slɑt] n.狹縫;投幣口
slum [slʌm] n.貧民窟
smack [smæ k] vt.vi.n 摑巴掌;響吻
smallpox [`smɔl͵pɑks] n.天花
smother [`smʌðɚ] vt.vi.(使)窒息
smuggle [`smʌg!] vt.vi.走私
snare [snɛr] n.圈套 vt.(用陷阱等)捕捉
sneaky [`snikɪ] adj.鬼鬼祟祟的
sneer [snɪr] vi.vt.嘲諷,冷笑
soar [sor] vi.n.高飛;暴漲
sociable [`soʃəb!] adj.好交際的
socialism [`soʃəl͵ɪzəm] n.社會主義
socialist [`soʃəlɪst] n.社會主義者
socialize [`soʃə͵laɪz] vt.vi.交際;社會化
sociology [͵soʃɪ`ɑlədʒɪ] n.社會學
sodium [`sodɪəm] n.鈉
solidarity [͵sɑlə`dæ rətɪ] n.團結
solitude [`sɑlə͵tjud] n.孤獨
soothe [suð] vt.vi.安慰;緩和
sophisticated [sə`fɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj.世故的;
sovereignty [`sɑvrɪntɪ] n.君權;主權
spacious [`speʃəs] adj.寬敞的
span [spæ n] n.跨度;一段時間
specialize [`spɛʃəl͵aɪz] vi.專攻 vt.使專門化
specialty [`spɛʃəltɪ] n.特產;專業
specify [`spɛsə͵faɪ] vt.具體指明
spectacular [spɛk`tæ kjəlɚ] adj.壯觀的
spectrum [`spɛktrəm] n.光譜
speculate [`spɛkjə͵let] vi.思索 vt.推測
sphere [sfɪr] n.球體;領域
spike [spaɪk] n.大釘;釘鞋
spiral [`spaɪrəl] n.螺旋 adj.螺旋(形)的
 vi.盤旋 vt.使呈螺旋形
spire [spaɪr] n.尖塔 vt.給…裝尖頂 vi.聳立
spokesperson / spokesman / spokeswoman
[`spoks͵pɝsn] / [`spoksmən] [`spoks͵wʊmən]
sponsor [`spɑnsɚ] n.發起者;贊助者 vt.資助
spontaneous [spɑn`tenɪəs] adj.自發的
spouse [spaʊz] n.配偶
sprawl [sprɔl] vi.vt.伸開四肢躺;(使) 蔓生
squad [skwɑd] n.小隊
squash [skwɑʃ] vt.vi.(把…)壓扁(壓碎)
stability [stə`bɪlətɪ] n.穩定(性)
stabilize [`steb!͵aɪz] vt.vi.(使)穩定
stalk [stɔk] vt.vi.n.悄悄追蹤
stammer [`stæ mɚ] vi.vt.n.口吃
staple [`step!] n.主食;訂書釘 adj.主要的
stapler [`steplɚ] n. 主要產品經營商;釘書機
starch [stɑrtʃ] n.澱粉
starvation [stɑr`veʃən] n.飢餓
stationary [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj.不動的
stationery [`steʃən͵ɛrɪ] n.文具[U]
stature [`stæ tʃɚ] n.身高;身材;高度境界
steamer [`stimɚ] n.汽船;蒸鍋;蒸汽機
stimulate [`stɪmjə͵let] vt.vi.刺激;促使
stimulation [͵stɪmjə`leʃən] n.刺激;鼓舞
stimulus [`stɪmjələs] n.刺激(品);興奮劑
stock [stɑk] n.存貨;股票 vt.vi.辦貨
strangle [`stræŋg!] vt.vi.勒死;抑制
strategic [strə`tidʒɪk] adj.戰略的
stunt [stʌnt] n.絕技 vt.阻礙 vi.表演絕技
subjective [səb`dʒɛktɪv] adj.主觀的;個人的
subordinate [sə`bɔrdnɪt] adj.下級的;隸屬的
subscribe [səb`skraɪb] vt.vi.認捐;訂閱
subscription [səb`skrɪpʃən] n.認捐;訂閱
subsequent [`sʌbsɪ͵kwɛnt] adj.隨後的
substitution [͵sʌbstə`tjuʃən] n.代替(物)
subtle [`sʌt!] adj.微妙的;隱約的
suburban [sə`bɝbən] adj.郊區的
succession [sək`sɛʃən] n.連續;繼任
successive [sək`sɛsɪv] adj.連續的;後繼的
successor [sək`sɛsɚ] n.繼承人;接替的事物
suffocate [`sʌfə͵ket] vt.vi.(使)窒息
suite [swit] n.套房;隨員;套(組)
superb [sʊ`pɝb] adj.堂皇的;極好的
superiority [sə͵pɪrɪ`ɔrətɪ] n.優越
supersonic [͵supɚ`sɑnɪk] adj.n.超音波(的)
superstitious [͵supɚ`stɪʃəs] adj.迷信的
supervision [͵supɚ`vɪʒən] n.監督
supplement [`sʌpləmənt] n.增補;補給品
surpass [sɚ`pæ s] vt.勝過
surplus [`sɝpləs] n.adj.過剩(的);剩餘物
suspense [sə`spɛns] n.懸而不決;暫停
suspension [sə`spɛnʃən] n.懸吊;暫停
swap [swɑp] vt.vi.n.交換
symbolic [sɪm`bɑlɪk] adj.象徵的
symbolize [`sɪmb!͵aɪz] vt.vi.象徵
symmetry [`sɪmɪtrɪ] n.對稱(性)
symptom [`sɪmptəm] n.症狀
synonym [`sɪnə͵nɪm] n.同義字
synthetic [sɪn`θɛtɪk] adj.合成的
tact [tæ kt] n.老練;機智;圓滑
tactic [`tæ ktɪk] n.戰術;策略
tariff [`tæ rɪf] n.關稅;稅率
tedious [`tidɪəs] adj.冗長乏味的
temperament [`tɛmprəmənt] n.氣質;性情
tempest [`tɛmpɪst] n.暴風雨;騷動
terminate [`tɝmə͵net] vt.vi.(使)終止
textile [`tɛkstaɪl] n.紡織品 adj.紡織的
texture [`tɛkstʃɚ] n.質地;構造
theatrical [θɪ`æ trɪk!] adj.戲劇的;誇張的
theft [θɛft] n.偷竊
theoretical [͵θiə`rɛtɪk!] adj.理論的
therapist [`θɛrəpɪst] n.特定療法技師
therapy [`θɛrəpɪ] n.治療;療法
thereafter [ðɛr`æ ftɚ] adv.之後
thereby [ðɛr`baɪ] adv.由此;從而
thermometer [θɚ`mɑmətɚ] n.溫度計
threshold [`θrɛʃhold] n.門檻;開端
thrift [θrɪft] n.節儉
thrifty [`θrɪftɪ] adj.節儉的;茂盛的
thrive [θraɪv] vi.興旺;繁榮
throb [θrɑb] vi.n.跳動;悸動
toll [tol] n.通行費;傷亡人數;鐘聲
topple [`tɑp!] vt.vi.(使) 倒塌
tornado [tɔr`nedo] n.龍捲風
trait [tret] n.特徵;少許
tranquil [`træŋkwɪl] adj.平靜的
tranquilizer [`træŋkwɪ͵laɪzɚ] n.鎮定劑
transaction [træ n`zæ kʃən] n.交易;辦理
transcript [`træn͵skrɪpt] n.抄本;成績單
transformation [͵trænsfɚ`meʃən] n.轉變;變形
transistor [træ n`zɪstɚ] n.電晶體
transit [`træ nsɪt] n.vt.vi.運輸;過渡
transition [træ n`zɪʃən] n.過渡;轉變
transmission [træ ns`mɪʃən] n.傳輸;傳送
transmit [træ ns`mɪt] vt.vi.傳送;發報
transplant [træ ns`plæ nt] vt.vi.移植;(使)移居
trauma [`trɔmə] n.創傷
tread [trɛd] vi.vt.踩;踏
treason [`trizn] n.叛國罪[U]
trek [trɛk] n.移居;旅行 vi.艱苦跋涉;移居
tremor [`trɛmɚ] n.顫抖;震動
trespass [`trɛspəs] vi.n.擅自進入
trigger [`trɪgɚ] n.扳機 vt.扣扳機;引起
triumphant [traɪ`ʌmfənt] adj.勝利的
trivial [`trɪvɪəl] adj.瑣細的;不重要的
trophy [`trofɪ] n.戰利品;獎杯
tropic [`trɑpɪk] n.回歸線;熱帶[the P]
truant [`truənt] n.逃學者 adj.逃學的 vi.逃學
truce [trus] n.停戰
tuberculosis [tju͵bɝkjə`losɪs] n.結核病[U]
tumor [`tjumɚ] n.腫瘤
turmoil [`tɝmɔɪl] n.騷動;混亂[U][C]
twilight [`twaɪ͵laɪt] n.薄暮
tyranny [`tɪrənɪ] n.暴政;專橫
ulcer [`ʌlsɚ] n.潰瘍;弊病
ultimate [`ʌltəmɪt] adj.最終的;極限的
unanimous [jʊ`næ nəməs] adj.一致同意的
uncover [ʌn`kʌvɚ] vt.揭露
underestimate [`ʌndɚ`ɛstə͵met] vt.低估
undergo [͵ʌndɚ`go] vt.經歷;接受(治療等)
undermine [͵ʌndɚ`maɪn] vt.暗中破壞
undertake [͵ʌndɚ`tek] vt.進行;承擔
undo [ʌn`du] vt.解開;取消;破壞
unemployment [͵ʌnɪm`plɔɪmənt] n.失業
unfold [ʌn`fold] vt.vi.展開
unify [`junə͵faɪ] vt.vi.統一
unlock [ʌn`lɑk] vt.vi.開…的鎖;解開
unpack [ʌn`pæ k] vt.vi.打開包裹;卸下
upbringing [`ʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n.養育;教養
upgrade [`ʌp`gred] n.vt.升級 adv.上坡
uphold [ʌp`hold] vt.舉起;支撐;維持
uranium [jʊ`renɪəm] n.鈾
urgency [`ɝdʒənsɪ] n.緊急;急事
urine [`jʊrɪn] n.尿
usher [`ʌʃɚ] n.引座員 vt.vi.招待;迎接
utensil [ju`tɛns!] n.器皿;厨房用具
utility [ju`tɪlətɪ] n.效用;公用事業;(水、
 電、瓦斯類等的)公共設施 adj.實用的
utilize [`jut!͵aɪz] vt.利用
utmost [`ʌt͵most] adj.極度的 n.極度
vaccine [`væ ksin] adj.疫苗的 n.疫苗
valiant [`væ ljənt] adj.英勇的 n.勇士
valid [`væ lɪd] adj.有根據的;有效的
validity [və`lɪdətɪ] n.正當;有效性;合法性
vanilla [və`nɪlə] n.香草 adj.香草的;普通的
variable [`vɛrɪəb!] adj.多變的 n.可變因素
variation [͵vɛrɪ`eʃən] n.變動;差異
vend [vɛnd] vi.vt.出售
vendor [`vɛndɚ] n.小販;自動販賣機
verge [vɝdʒ] n.邊緣 vi.vt.處在(…)邊緣
versatile [`vɝsət!] adj.多才多藝的;多功能的
version [`vɝʒən] n.版本;說法
veteran [`vɛtərən] n.老兵;老手
veterinarian [͵vɛtərə`nɛrɪən] n.獸醫(vet)
vibration [vaɪ`breʃən] n.顫動;共鳴
vice [vaɪs] n.惡 adj.副的
vicious [`vɪʃəs] adj.邪惡的;惡性的
victimize [`vɪktɪ͵maɪz] vt.使受害;欺騙
victor [`vɪktɚ] n.勝利者
victorious [vɪk`torɪəs] adj.勝利的
villa [`vɪlə] n.別墅
vineyard [`vɪnjɚd] n.葡萄園
virtual [`vɝtʃʊəl] adj.實際上的;虛擬的
visualize[`vɪʒʊə͵laɪz] vt.vi.使視覺化;想像
vitality [vaɪ`tæ lətɪ] n.活力;生命力
vocal [`vok!] adj.聲音的;歌唱的
vocation [vo`keʃən] n.行業;傾向
vocational [vo`keʃən!] adj.職業的
vogue [vog] n.流行(物)
vomit [`vɑmɪt] vt.vi.n.嘔吐
vulgar [`vʌlgɚ] adj.粗俗的;通俗的
vulnerable [`vʌlnərəb!] adj.易受傷的
wardrobe [`wɔrd͵rob] n.衣櫥
warfare [`wɔr͵fɛr] n.戰爭
warranty [`wɔrəntɪ] n.保證書;擔保
waterproof / watertight
[`wɑtɚ͵pruf] [`wɑtɚ`taɪt] adj.防水的
whatsoever [ˌwɑtsoˈɛvɚ] pron.adv.adj.
windshield [`wɪnd͵ʃild] n.擋風玻璃
withstand [wɪð`stæ nd] vt.vi.反抗;禁得起
witty [`wɪtɪ] adj.機智的;說話風趣的
woo [wu] vt.vi.追求;求愛;爭取
wrench [rɛntʃ] vt.vi.n.猛扭;扭傷
wrestle [`rɛs!] vt.摔(角);與…搏鬥
Xerox / xerox [`zɪrɑks] n.影印機(商標名);
yearn [jɝn] vi.思念;渴望
zeal [zil] n.熱心;熱誠






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